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Good Stuff Happening In The Science World

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Althought it's nothing new about finding metoerites but the the new radar system used to find it is ground breaking.

It was that technology which pinpointed the site and proved for the first time that it could be used to find objects buried deep in the ground and to make an accurate three-dimensional image of them.

Although on the other hand I do find this interesting but I think it's a bit borderline on what we can/should be making.


Although we know what atoms, protons and all that other science stuff. Including the fact on how unstable they can be sometimes. Who knows what they could create with something like, ie enegery, weapons more powerful then nukes who knows. It's a break through but could lead into something dangerous.

What are your opinions?

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I think I've heard something before about them developing the new technology that finds images of what's underground. It's rather interesting I think, they can use it to find large fossils and what not without digging underground. I'm not so sure if there are bad ways this could be used but it seems there could be. lol They can find buried treasure. :) As for the 118th element, that sounds cool. I guess since it is with helium, radon, and neon it's a new noble gas. I wonder what they are going to name it. Califorcium :) I don't know what'd they do with it because it only lasts for a milisecond but who knows.

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It sounds rather cool, because if we manage to do it, we can see what's truely in the middle of the earth, and what's on mars, the moon, etc.And the new element they've made sounds cool too. To be honest, you shouldn't worry about whether they will or won't create a more powerful weapon, because they will. Well, if people try and stop them, they will anyways. And after that, they'll make something stronger. Scary, but it will happen

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