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Cpanel Message And Cannot Login To Your Account here is why

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Do not be alarmed. Your account is not compromised.


When you try to access your cPanel and you get this message:

Sorry for the inconvenience!

The filesystem mounted at / on this server is running out of disk space. cPanel operation has been temporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening. Please ask your system admin to remove any files not in use on that partition.

Please understand that this problem was discovered late last night when OpaQue just went to bed :)


Support for gamma server has been sent and will be addressed as soon as possible. Please use FTP to modify your files in the mean time.


Thank you for your patience :)

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That has to be a first in like forever. Most likly a very huge file got placed in there somewhere and that help clean out a big chunk of webspace. But of course if that is the case wouldn't we be seeing some websites going down as well? Why would only the cpanel be affected by this? I'm assuming here that because since cpanel is the sole proivder for whats being offered and the security thats goes with it, shutting it down would prevent any hacking, sql injections from being done. correct?

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Because cPanel is installed in the root "/" directory. Hosting member's files are listed under /home directory. Just like you would place your files under /public_html ... but you still have your root directory that saves your settings, email, ftp information etc... get it? :) It's like cpanel within a cpanel.

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aaah in other words to prevent any deletion of any kind even though 2 ways to do it is admin level and cough..bored...cough person.

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basically cpanel is running its own apache as well in the / directory. It turns off client access to make sure people cannot access the control panel and add SQL databases ect. iuve never came across this problem before either. I have every assurance in my body that OpaQue will deal with the problem.

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That would be spiffy keen. Hopefully it'll be back up sometime today. I'm about to burst with INTARWEBZ creativity v. 3.04DQSS.Pi. GO GO TEAM OPAQUE AIIIIIII!

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