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Uberman's Sleep Schedule. Sleep just 2-3 hours per day

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I can't say I've heard of that before. Only problem I think you could have with it would just be a different schedule then others. Of course if you have a job or school you normally work more than 4 hours, of course you could just schedule so you sleep during lunch hour and on break. I don't know what it could do to your health really but you need a lot of sleep to recooperate and what not and half an hour I don't think can do that.

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I can't say I've heard of that before. Only problem I think you could have with it would just be a different schedule then others. Of course if you have a job or school you normally work more than 4 hours, of course you could just schedule so you sleep during lunch hour and on break. I don't know what it could do to your health really but you need a lot of sleep to recooperate and what not and half an hour I don't think can do that.

thats exactly wat i was thinking. well personaly there is no way possible for me just to fall alseep for 4 hrs. i mena its totally impossible. on regualr days i sleep for 10-14 hrs so there is no way. and to ur question. there i have noticed that if u wake up to much from sleep ur head starts to hurt after a while. also i think that you will be much more tired then you normally would. well when u start off anyway. once u get used to it im sure it will go away. also wat about school and work. im sure if u go to school u will be in school for more then 4 hrs a dai and also working form more then 4 hrs a dai. so i really dont recommend it.

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well im not an expert by any standards but in psychology we were taught about sleep and the cycles of sleep. Every 1:30 you go through one cycle (on average) and have a dream for about 20 mins- 30 mins. The dreams are the important part of sleep as many people think they resotre your brain etc. As you will only be sleeping about 30mins you probably wont dream and therefore the restoration in normal sleep would be lost. I dont think it would cause you any real damage but it might make you confused after a long time and maybe drowsy and such like. Maybe sleeping for 1 and a half or two hours at 4- 5 hour intervals might be better. But like i said im no expert! I cant function if i have less than 8 hours of sleep :)

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I know someone whos tried to get into polyphasic sleep several times; apparently its quite hard at first before your body has adjusted properly... I dunno about health problems/benefits but I hear it can cause lucid dreaming, which would be pretty awesome.Unfortunately I am addicted to sleep, so its not for me. :)

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