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Home Networking Prices No comments ??

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Home Networking: 1Mbps

Austrália US$ 3,79Canadá US$ 6,09França US$ 1,51Alemanha US$6,29Hong Kong US$ 7,69Itália US$ 2,34Japăo US$ 0,75Coréia do Sul US$ 0,73Espanha US$ 13,44Inglaterra US$ 2,86Estados Unidos US$ 6,10

Meanwhile, I live in Brazil and I have to pay R$149,90, which, in dollar would be more than US$ 67,00... That's why countries like mine (undeveloped) will never grow!... And, some people on internet, can even call me lucky because some states here doesn't even have a 1mb connection... One Plasma television here, the cheapest one, is around R$5.000,00 which would be more than $2.230... Can you guys imagine it?

Removed from: Computer Power User (https://www.computerpoweruser.com/home)

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Here in the UK, a 1Mbps connection speeds costs anything from around ?12 (R$50) to ?30 (R$122) per month. A plasma TV costs around ?3,000 which is about R$12,250. I can imagine those prices very well, but I am also aware that the average wage in brazil is much less than that in the UK (about ?18,000 per year, R$75,000). I don't think that a lack of TVs and the Internet would prevent a country's growth however. Yes, technology is important, but all technology starts off incredibly pricey for a few years, then starts to drop off until the masses can afford it.

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@I don't think that a lack of TVs and the Internet would prevent a country's growth however.That's not the point... The point is... If the products, including television, were cheaper, the economy would grow much faster. However I was talking to a person which works on a Ship (place, not ship itself, I don't know the word) and he told me that a car called Fiat here, is exported for less than R$8.000 however despite of all the taxes when you buy it here, you have to pay more than R$20.000.... I've heard that, at least on USA, you can buy a used and nice car with something like $3.000 to $5.000 however here, with this money you can only buy a nice Fusca ("Herbie" / Beetle).

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As far as pricing of an internet connection goes, it reminds me of Moore's Law. Intel's co-founder Gordon Moore predicted that the number of transistors on a chip doubles every 2 years. The internet and all related hardware prices have shown the reciprocal effect: prices of internet connection for homes are 1/2 the price of just two years ago. My DSL which provides 768/160kbps cost $34.99 USD just two years ago. Now, I'm paying only $14.99 USD for the same connection speed. Linksys router which I paid over $120 USD three years ago now costs only $49.99 USD. Looks like the pattern is that the same technology costs less and less as time passes.When I purchased 50" Pioneer plasma in 2002 I paid over $9,000. Recently I saw something similar to what I have in Best Buy (United State's major electronics and appliances store) for mere $3,200... at 54" size.I wouldn't say that the actual cost of computer technology hinders the advancement of economically challenged world, but the actual assimilation and adaptation of new technology by the thrid world is the culprit. And, of course, the willingness to use the new technology to advance the lives of their country would be the major key.

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My country is has the highest price in the world for networking,You buy a 1 megabyte/per second connection for 1000$ a month. I have a 10mbps connection and I pay 10000$ a month it is not me it is my dad who wants a really fast connection in a really poor country like this. A normal 60'' tv costs about 5000$ so if it is an LCD it is about 12000$, a 100 kbits connection costs about 100$ a month, what a shame.

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in my country(croatia) internet package of 1 mbps1 GB of traffic costs 100HKN which is around $18.for every new 1GB you pay $3,5.The highest speed in my country is 3 mbps.Our flat package of 3 mbps costs $100.

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@Hadiwhere do u live?this is the first time i hear for $10000 internet connection

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I live in Leabanon, sorry I didn't meant 10000$ per month I meant for the equipement it costed my dad this price, but we pay 2000$ a month. I don't normally stay in this country, we keep travelling. But my dad need fast internet connection for his buisness, and he wouldn't accept that the local cable guy give a simple broadband, he said it could be injured due to lightning.(blah blah blah)So he bought tons of equipement, for getting a direct wireless internet, from the arabian satellite, it is called Nilesat I think to our home, so it costs really high, and taxes are even on importing an internet connection. So the price arrived to 2000$ a month, we could have bought a car, but we have too many.

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ha i live in the UK and i have to pay about ?15 thousand a year for my internet but hay im posh i have a dedicated BT line laid in :) but i cant believe some parts of where you live cannot get even 1mbps thats unbelieveable

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Simply best and most unique infrastructure is in the netherlands, not aguring is posible about this fact is proven. All lines are hi tech under the ground etc.We have internet from up to 2euro a month. From 60mbps internet for 40 euro fiberoptics. And kabel internet for 24mbps for 40 euro phoneline internet 80 euro for 12mbps ( best ping in any other connection due to the special hi tech lines of the phone pherm. I love the netherlands and I love the infrastructure make buildings not war XD

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Simply best and most unique infrastructure is in the netherlands, not aguring is posible about this fact is proven. All lines are hi tech under the ground etc.
We have internet from up to 2euro a month. From 60mbps internet for 40 euro fiberoptics. And kabel internet for 24mbps for 40 euro phoneline internet 80 euro for 12mbps ( best ping in any other connection due to the special hi tech lines of the phone pherm. I love the netherlands and I love the infrastructure make buildings not war XD

You are wrong, the best internet is in Suede, they have 3 categories of internet: easy from (30 to 60 mbps) and moderate and hard up to 1 geg
the 1 geg costs about 150$ a month

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@mxwebIn my country (Brazil), internet connections were limited to 500kbps until the beginning of this year, now, the fastest one gets to 10000kbps.... @HadiAt least you can afford it... Well... if you someday don't want to use this connection anymore, please send this money to me! =DBy the way, what's this your avatar from? A game?

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