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Cyber Cafe Security And Maintenance Talking about how to get have more security and perfect maintenance in

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Hi evry.i open this topic to talk about how to install securyty in a cybercafe.I'am an african and in our country we have a lot of cyber cafe but wich are always confronted to security problems wiche may be : virus , crashings of systems, or timing software always crack down by customers.The popular timing software used in cyber cafe in africa and in my country is CYBERCAFE Pro.This timing software has his own own built-in security but it did not guarantee al security necessary.According to that i established a processus to get at least an default security iand perfect maintenance in a cyber wich i would like,trougth this forum, to share and devollop with people that will be intrested buy this topic.sorry if my english is not clear because i always speak french.Now concerning how to be sure that a cybercafe we work correctly 24/24 with too much problems some essential this are requiered :1.-- A good and ugrade computer.2.-- A full and legal opetaing system both from the owner (not a cracked one)3.-- A powerfull antivirus 4.-- A powerfull maintenance softwareIn my next post i will be explaining how i always proceed to install computers in cybers.

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I think aslongside all the software protection you should have some kind of software on the master computer something like a timetable or spreadsheet which you use to show which computers are being used and at what time they should be off. That way even if the timing software is cracked you can tell that the person has been on too long and shut them down yourself. Also you should have some kind of remote control software installed on all machines which has the control at the master machine. Then if you notice someone doing something they should you can easilly take control of their pc and shut them down or stop them doing it etc.. Also post the rules on the walls in notices so that if you do need to shut someone down for impropper use you can do so and point out that the rules were clearly shown. As for anti-virus i would use two to make sure you have all angles covered and also have a firewall at the gateway (the connection to the internet such as the access point or gateway computer, router etc...) and another on each computer on the network. I would also disable the vbscript engine if using windows xp pro as it is not needed by normal users but can be a security problem. Although if the lan you are working on has over 50 or so computers vbscript engine could be usefull but i would still disable it as it can help users to run malicious code and also websites and hackers to run code on one machine that will spread to the rest. Im very interested in computer and network security so this topic should proove a good read i hope :)

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I'm from India. I'm doing work's cyber cafe. You need just software deep freeze with full version. So that you don't want any time type of antivirus or other tools. In that software you have to first of all Format pecan that after install new Operating System. And then after install your all necessary software like yahoo messenger, Microsoft office, and after that in the last install deep freeze software. in that you have to select your drive for deepfreeze and restart computer.dur to that software one you start your pc and SURFING OVER NET AND YOU FIND THAT VIRUS COMING IN YOUR PC.JUST RESTART YOUR PC,EVERTHING IS GONE.YOU CAN'T SAVE DATA WITH THIS SOFTWARE.IN EVERY RESTART YOU LOSE YOUR NEW DATA WITH VIRUS ALSO. There is also ability in the software that you can store your data.bu5t at the time of deepfreeze off. You have to be safe with virus. Otherwise when virus is coming at that time when you start deep freeze on it comes with virus. Advantage of this software is that you never need to delete data from each pc .after each restart pc become health with your installed previous software. If you need to store data of customer then you have to just share your network drive for storing data. And keep off from deepfreeze software (don't check that drive at the time of installation of deep freeze).And if you want to antivirus information then "AVAST antivirus" is good one and also use MCafee virus scan at the same time on server and all other pc. You get definitely get good speed and all other.-yuvraj chauhan

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internet security

Cyber Cafe Security And Maintenance


Hey there.. I run an internet cafe in Mauritius. Concerning viruses, there will always be a new one that your antivirus wont be able to protect you from, be it from a lateness in updates (for those who have the habit of updating manually). Mcafee is good, as it protects your pcs from most virulent viruses. Do not mix antiviruses in the same computer. You will only succeed in having them constantly blocking each other, as well as a few other conflicts. Concerning keyloggers and other spy stuff, programs like cafezee client/ server software will allow you to block them. A very important point to take into consideration is this : you are the technician/ owner/ operator. There is no need to have your customers have access to control panel or even to install software, no matter how sexy the program or person is. Have a script made or download one to block usb ports. If the customer wants to plug in his or her pendrive, unblock the ports, be on standby and watch for a few secs to check if your antivirus detects anything. If it does, remove the virus. If you cant, block the port again. No customer is worth having one or all computers infected, meaning that you have to work overtime. Use firefox or something safe in the cafe. Internet explorer = trouble.


- - navin


-reply by reaper1411

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Software deep freeze

Cyber Cafe Security And Maintenance


Replying to iGuest


Starting a cyber cafe and read with great interest your comments...Where can I get more information regarding this software deep freeze and how to install and maintain?




-question by sharonmugambi

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Cyber cafe - easy matintenanceCyber Cafe Security And Maintenance

Hi all,

Well, having my own cybercafe at Trou d'Eau Douce on the East coast of Mauritius, I can tell you guys that things are very easy if you have taken a 'defensive' approach.Here's the setupA. 1 Windows 2003 server running the truecafe management softwareB. 6 pc with xp sp3 and office 2007C. 1 iMac with OS X LeopardD. 1 powerbook with OS X LeopardE. 3 notebook with vista ultimate and office 2007F. 1.8 Mbps wireless ADSL accessG. Norton anti-virus corporate on server, and client on all windows pc- Server installed as domain controller, and all windows-based pc managed by group policy under domain.- Truecafe provides billing for computer usage / printing / extra services / snacks & drinks purchased- no access to start menu , all applications are launched from truecafe client software- auto-Logon on xp machine to windows domain controller, and auto virus detection on startup- autoplay disable on all machines- user document folder shared on all machines, and links available on server desktopWhen a customer arrives, the computer is always on , with power saving mode for the screen, I only need to give a temporary login for access the pc. They are informed that any memory stick or devices will have to be given for scanning before it can be used. Once the stick is scanned on a stand alone pc connected to the net on a different ip subnet, then the device is given back to be used... But they do not have access to windows explorer, therefore if their file has been created from word or excel, they will need to open up the corresponding application to be able to access the memory stick !It's tricky, because even at the time of opening the file ,they do not see any drive letters, which therefore has to be typed as X: and Y: for cd-rom and memory stick respectively (note drive letter was also changed). - This step was taken to avoid issues whereas a person will try to use a device without having his stick or cd being scanned first.So far, I have been running for the last 9 month, and no virus infected pc !I suggest you this line - Limit all access to any station, and personalize all pcs to your standard before allowing access to it.Hope I can help you guys a bit


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response to cyber cafe maintaing Cyber Cafe Security And Maintenance

Hi all,

You just need to get : 

1 Pc (x86)  machine installed with XP or windows 2003 Server (2000 server) connecting directly to the net throught a broadband connection (ADSL 1M or higher) you can also install CyberCaf?Pro 5 on each Server side and client also to get distant control you machines (billing, restarting, wikingup).

2- any number of client machine (x86) ones with simply XP installed or ubuntu Desktop edition and for each client machine you get to install DeepFreez to get full protection (system configuration or Virus damage) and no need at this point to install any antivirus only on your Server

- for this you have not ask for pre-scanning the memory sticks of your clients and they have the total access ti the machine they are currently using if any problem just reboot it.


-reply by goliasseDZ

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Deep Freeze or windows Steady state are sameCyber Cafe Security And Maintenance

I saw Yuvraj mentioned thatthey use Deep Freezein thier cybercafe andgetting system back to refresh once started.

 I want to mentioned actually Microsoft has similar product which is free called Windows Steadystate. You can search it on microsoft website. Which has almost same feature like Deepfreeze so save on licence fee.



-reply by kumar nirdosh

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Looking for useful softwareCyber Cafe Security And Maintenance

I have 20pc  in my cyber.Most of the customer is kids. They owes anyhow delete and move my thing. Any software can solve the problem ?

-reply by CLive

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