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I Don't Have A Dream

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It is very ?Sad? but true. I don't have a dream.Never dream of becoming somebody, all I wanted to do is be happy. Which I managed to do so far??When I was little, on our yearly assessment form, under the "Ambition" column, I put down "life guard", my teacher at that time thought it was unacceptable, and she make fun of me in front of the whole class. Soon, I learnt that never tell anyone that I have no dream.Came to Uk many years ago, working as a waitress. All I wanted to do is save enough money and buy a nice little house in my hometown.Then I got frustrated for not be able to speak English and communicate with "English People", so I went on from English -> College -> University -> more University -> travel to many parts of the world -> got a high pay job in an office. But I was isolated and heavily bully by my male colleagues, then the Company was making cut back, then I have been made redundant. 6 months down the line, I am working as a waitress. Back to square one.Maybe I only earn half of what I used to earn when I was working in the office, but as long as I can keep my house, pay my bills. I am happy. I find that being a loving grill friend seems to be not enough. My new boy friend seems to think this is unacceptable.... so are all his friends....Yeah, sad, I find that I don?t have a friend in UK too!As time goes by, I feel more and more embarrass about myself.... for not having a dream.Currently...?? Don?t know much about computer, so trying to know more what is web about, bought a book about PHp and mySql, don?t really know what/ where to start! But I am here anyway, ... hopefully it will gets better.And yet... I don't have a dream.

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Dreams are found to occur only when you are not in a deep sleep. You'd find people who dream a lot awaking lot of time during their sleep.People who go into deep sleep will not get any dreams because their entire body takes complete rest. So don't worry dude if you don't get dreams. It's quite natural.

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Dreams= ambitions. Yes, I know exactly how you feel. You just have to keep searching, as I am doing. You need to do what people in the hippie days used to say and "find yourself"

Start keeping a journal. Write about your thoughts and your opinions on various topics. Politics, how people are acting around you, your hobbies. And write about what makes you happy. Just write about whatever is in your mind. It may take longer than you think, but you will see a pattern. Stuff that you keep coming back to. Hopefully you can find something that interests you.

There are also personality tests out there that will help you to figure out what you would be good at. I have a book by these people and now they have a website. http://www.personalitytype.com/

I hope that helps. just don't give up. You will figure out what you were meant to do with your life.

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Hey even if you dont have any friends in the real world you have all the people here, were all friendly!Im not sure where i want to go with my life just yet either, i know i want to go into an ICT job and university after college, i suppose its a start! I taught myself php and sql from the internet and if you want advice on learning i think the best thing is just do things. Like start by making a simple page using one function, like to print out words (echo) then just build on it by adding variables, then an if statement, then include a database where you use php and sql to take a senteence from the database then display it etcetera etcetera....that way you get real life experiene of using it :) And of course read the books and online resources, they really do help!!!As for the boyfriend if your lov eisnt enough then he needs to sort himself out. The whole point of a relationship is love, if he doesnt think that he needs to re-evaluate himself and realise that a girlfriends love is best gift in the world :PAnd if youre happy as a waitress living in your own home then youve accomplished your dream, your dream is to be happy and if you are happy then congratulations! youve got your fream come truse which is something many people never see happening (sad but true!) Im a person that always likes to better myself and others so I would just keep going till i die, get bored or reach the top lol But all in all my dream is just to be happy too, earn a modest amount of money for living with and a bit to spend and own my own home and live with someone i love :P You do have a dream but its not a dream any more its reality. Atleast thats what i see when i read your post :P

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Its ok if you don't have dreams!


It is not an everyday thing to get dreams. Dreams are the platform where we think about ourselves or someone to appear in the way we don't usually don't think of or fear to even think that way. This is how the body alerts you for the situation. Its not the dream exactly but the 'theme' of the dream that is to be noted for analysis. Dreams may provide you with some hints! Its amazing that many people dream and their dreams are more or less fulfilled in their real life.


On the other side its ok if someone does not dream. This might be mainly because your mind is too tired and you go into deep slee easily. It can also be due to no adventure in the life as you have nothing to dream about. That sounds strange but its true. If you try to widen your horizons and think more new things, dreams tend to be a major part of your sleep. And I would say if you want to be someone, then you better do something instead of trying to dream about being someone. But in general you don't have to worry if you don't get dreams. Hopefully you will have dreams soon. So take care and yes, sweet dreams!

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