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How To Get Rid Of A Kidney/bladder Infection

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hi I berly turned 17 a month ago and a few months ago I was hospitalized twice because of a kidney infection..And I'm worried that I might get worse..Ive been on antibiotics alot to get rid of the infection..Ive also been drinking alot of water and cranberry juice..My doc said that I should be drinking 3liters of water a day..And that I should not eat anything with spices, grease, or salt..Ive been doing that for the past few months and it worked but every now and then I get little pains...But I'm still worried that its still infected or something...WHAT CAN I DO????

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kidney and bladder touble...How To Get Rid Of A Kidney/bladder Infection

  hi,  yes, I use the CRANACTIN for the urinary and kidney problems...You take it every day for prevention of it in the first place, it's put out by SOLARAY...GOOD quality stuff. They also put out D-MANNOSE, which is a simple sugar (comes in capsule form), you take it a few times a day, and it prevents the lousy bacteria which starts the infection, from clinging toyour bladder and urethra ... Very good stuff. You might want to try it, but these products are only sold in TRUE health food stores. It's worth it though, not that expensive. The corn husks idea is really interesting...WOW!   I'm going to give that a try myself!

-reply by Starlight


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i have a kidney infection im 12How To Get Rid Of A Kidney/bladder Infection


I was just wondering how to get rid of a kidney infection.Its sore when I use that toilet my mam said when I told her yesterday it could be a kidney infection I have just read up on it there and its not makin me fell better I have never had it in my life so I don't now wat to do my mam said drink lots of water but then it will be sore.Is it common for a 12 year old girl to get that:S:S:S

-reply by Dayna

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I got a kidney stone what foods can I eat?How To Get Rid Of A Kidney/bladder Infection

Can I eat brocoli ? What other foods can I eat?

-question by Wanda

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SHAUNAHow To Get Rid Of A Kidney/bladder Infection


-reply by shauna

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Helpful tip for kidney stonesHow To Get Rid Of A Kidney/bladder Infection


I'm reading this forum, because I'm trying to get rid of a bladder infection before it goes to my kidneys.  It's a lot better, but not gone; so I'll try the corn silk, etc., mentioned here.

Here is a helpful tip since someone mentioned kidney stones.  My husband has gotten these for many years starting at age 40 (he is 62 now).  Used to be it was excrutiatingly painful and took a couple of weeks to pass ... And sometimes the pain just subsided and then the stone would start moving again weeks later.  He was miserable.

Then I learned about Chanca Piedra.  I get it from rain-tree.Com.  It is expensive, but it works!  It helps break up the stones to smaller sizes, slightly increases the tubes for easier passage, and helps with the pain.  You put 60 drops into liquid.  I recommend putting it in water so it will go straight to the kidneys.  The first day, just do about 1/2 dosage and see if it agrees with you.  If no problem, take 60 drops in water 2 to 3 times a day.  It doesn't eliminate the pain entirely, but it makes it much more manageable.  It speeds up passing the stone to be about 2-3 days instead of 2-3 weeks.  Maintenance dosages will keep newly created stones small so that you probably would pass them without noticing much.  It truly does "break" the stones.  He passes 2-3 smaller ones instead of one big one when using this product. 

Causes of stones are dairy and other high-acid-producing foods/drink such as sugar, meat, breads, & soda.  Gout is caused by the same thing and this works even faster for gout.

My husband is just not an "alkalizing foods" kind of guy.  He loves his cheese, bread, and lots of meat.  So, we keep Chanca Piedra on hand all the time.

Hope this helps you or anyone you care about that deals with kidney stones or gout.


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That is very interesting. i like natural remedies for health myself. Just an interesting sidenote: When you drink a lot of any liquid, it helps to flush out the kidneys, whether it's herbal tea, fruit/vegetable juce, water, ect.

Yes, you are right! Infact I think the reason why the poster of this thread successful in managing his kidney stone with herbal tea, only because the nature of any tea as diuretic substance. When you drink up tea, it will make you urinate more. Thus will help bring your stone flowing down.

Basically if the kidney stone are small, there are 2 ways for you to manage it:
1. Drink a lot of water (increase your urine volume)
2. Make base urine (if your urine acid it will easy for you to get infection. Base urine will help you avoid the infection). Bi-carbonate pil available cheap in store can be your choice.

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Cured myself of a nasty kidney infectionHow To Get Rid Of A Kidney/bladder InfectionI had a really nasty kidney infection that came on in a day but that was due to falling off the candida diet. Anyway, I had lots of blood in my urine and I felt like there was an two swords spearing me on either side of the middle of my back.  I had seen a naturopath in the past dealing with the exact same thing. She had me purchase some loose leaf herbal tea and D-Mannose powder by Pure Encapsulation. It's basically the stuff in cranberries that helps with UTIs but in a more potent form. It's an all white powder, doesn't have a taste, and works BETTER than drinking a ton of cranberry juice. So, I started adding many scoops to water and chugging that all day. Granted, I got back on the candida diet ( no sugar, no processed food, no alcohol, etc) and also took several Pro-biotic pills (20 million per caps.)

So, the kidney infection went away within a few day but I'm still battling the UTI but again I notice a flare up when I eat anything with sugar (like drinking a beer). 

Hope this helps some one especially for those who hate drinking cranberry juice. 

-reply by Jacquelyn

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calcium stonesHow To Get Rid Of A Kidney/bladder Infection

Calcium stones are not made of dietary calcium.  In fact, dietary calcium bonds with oxylates (the most common type of stone) which are found in soda, tea, etc. And helps to clean them out of the kidneys. Giving up calcium can do more harm than good.  Don't give it up unless a well-educated doctor recommends it.

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yes yes cranberry juice and water does help a lot with infections. however i'm from a country where cranberry juice is much too expensive. its all imported that why. when i had a uti what my family put me on a pure coconut juice diet.i'm not talking about the coconut juice u get in cans or ready made from the store because that has sugars in it. i mean FRESH coconut juice that's still in the.. well coconut :) totally helped! :D

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:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

This topic is probably talked about as much as how many times a week you take a poop, but its a very important topic. I found out when I was 20 that I was passing a kidney stone. The cause of it was a calcium build up and taking in too much caffiene. I went to doctors, specialists, my mother, anyone I could to try to relieve some of the pain, even a little. When I found out that the begining stages of passing a kidney stone usually involved having a kidney or bladder infection I started to look into possible ways to make those infections better. We have all tried medications for certain illnesses or diseases. I dont like medications.I dont like the responsibiity of taking them either. So I found something that really worked for me. Corn husk tea. Yes seriously. When you go to the grocery store and see fresh corn on husks, that part you take off and throw into the garbage is what you want to make this tea. Its really simple too. Take the husks, put them at the bottom of a coffee pot, run the water threw as if you were making coffee. repeat with the same water 3 or 4 times, or until a desired strength. You can put lemon, sugar, or sugar substitute in this. Or nothing at all. Make it to suit your taste. In about an hour and a half youll be sure to have gone to the restroom at least once. Not saying this wont be painful, at least the first couple of times, but repeat this process over the course of a 24 hour period and you should start seeing some major changes in the infection itself. Kidney and bladder infections are painful enough, but if youre anything like me youll do anything to avoid the hospital or doctors office. I hope this helps...


:) The Chanca Peidra extract is quite addicting to us regular herb users. It is tasteless but makes you feel good as it is a pain reliever as well as it may be PH friendly to the human body ..Chanca Peidra heals bladder infections every time you use it..Some people cannot use corn husk..or corn silk.. I am a long time Chanca piedra user and I will tell you it is safe , gentle , powerful yet very effective for Gall stones and kidney stones..The Peruvian Indians used it for eons..

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