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I Need Help With This Guy..... HELP

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wow what r u doing at 2:00 in the morning????

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Please do not digress from the topic at hand.Posted time is viewed at the local time of your region but remember that we have members from all around the world. It may say 2am in US but it might be 7am in UK or some other time difference :D Stay within the topic everyone. Thank you.

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I will assist you BH.Don't think it's a big problem. Most of the time guys like to hear that, and unless the guy you like is extremely shy, he won't be scared away when he hears you said you liked him. Like others have said, act like youself, don't act like things have changed (yet) just because you opened your mouth about your crush. Depending on the personality of the guy depends on what I would advise you to do, it all depends on how the guy takes it all in if and when he hears it. Since you are already friends, seems as if he's not scared of you atleast...there is some sort of attraction going on...Good luck but don't fret, things aren't as serious as you think.

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well... i broke up with him.... he was cheating on me with guess who??? the girl from the bus...... heh.... last time i make THAT mistake.........hey can anyone delete a topic??? cause this one is pretty much over ...ya know?

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