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Da Sick Kid

Gimp Thumping Sig Tut. GAP not needed

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This tutorial can also be downloaded at deviantart


1.Open your Image you wish to use sig or what ever


2.Now Duplicate your layer


3.On your duplicated layer use the radial blur that can be found here http://www.gimptalk.com/index.php?showtopic=876 I used 20 Blur and 40 feather but you can also adjust to your taste


4.Go to filters and select animation and then select optimize for gif

Posted Image


5. Leave your blured layer at 100ms and set the bottom layer to 300ms or 400ms go with what you like best

Posted Image


6.Here is a tip if you look at my blue and white sig notice the darker blur around the edges and now look at my Steeler sig notice the yellow blur around the edges I used a 3pix border on the blue sig and a 1pix border on the Steeler sig make sure you border is on the outside of your sig not the inside but as you can see the thicker your border the better the effect is


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That's pretty cool but can you also blur just small parts of an image?Like if you have a picture of 5 characters of a game, can you blur only the outside around them rather than the entire image?

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That's pretty cool but can you also blur just small parts of an image?
Like if you have a picture of 5 characters of a game, can you blur only the outside around them rather than the entire image?

Each layer normally equals a frame. Depending on the option you choose, the lower layers may show up during the animation when you did not intend for them to show up, so you may have to mess around a bit further. To blur the surrounding area of the characters you would have to select the area around the character with the Free Select Tool and then perform the blur.

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