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What Were You Scared Of As A Child

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Ok, I will make EVERYONE feel better.This is one of my top 10 scariest dreams EVER. It happened when I was about five years old.There's this playground, which is the coolest thing ever, because it not only has slides and swings and stuff, but there's this HUGE pile of junk (clean and quasi-usuable) that kids can dig around in and get things.Well, I'm standing in line with a few kids and this woman, and she says me and two other kids can go to the playground. Suddenly, she's Mama Bear (or whatever) from the Burnstein Bears, and the last two kids are Cub Scouts from the same. She tells them they can't go play "until [they] by a pay-pa." I can still remember they way she said paper...That's not the scary part. It's coming up.Anyway, I'm at the playground with the other kids. They go play on the swings, but I head over to the junk pile. I'm looking for something, I don't remember what, but I can't find it. So I tell C3P0 to go digging for it in the ground.He digs this tunnel, arms like a windmill (You know, cartoon style), until he finds it. I think it's a piece of costume jewelry or something. Anyway, he turns around and heads back.But in the path, that he just dug, and therefore already crossed, is now a pool of lava. C3P0 steps into it, and starts melting.I cannot begin to explain how much this troubled and scared me as a child.In order to get over the dream, I told myself C3P0 was really make of foil-covered CHOCOLATE, and that's why he melted. For some reason, that worked.Ok, I have OFFICIALLY established my complete and utter insanity. ^-^

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I was always afraid of thunder. Whenever I heard thunder anywhere, I would run like crazy. I also used to have a MAJOR fear of dogs, and a person who lived on the lower levels of the apartment had a huge German Shepard, so it got kinda scary when he walked it out.

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well when i was about 8-9 years old i walked into my closet to get a shirt and BAM i found a HUGE and i have been TERRIFIED of those things ever since...still am.... i will never get over it, just the site of them makes me almost feel as if they are crawling all over me!

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when i was about 13 i wanted to learn swimming ,by then most of my friends already new and me and one more only did not know,we two have to watch them do fancy dives and swim while we dare not enter water that is even upto chest level ,so we decided to go with them one day ,we set out to the lagoon in a small boat which was hardly containing our nine people and that itself was frightening because if somebody moved too much the boat may be capsized but since i and my other friend were determined to learn , we carried on , after arriving at a suitable place , that too i think was some ten or twelve feet deep ,the ones who knew immeadiately jumped into the sea and without warning dragged both of us with them , i was in total panic and i did not know what to do , i struggled and cried for help but already i swallowed a lot of sea water and began loose my strength because of the sudden surge of activity and panic , it was only when i started going down that i felf some strongs hands pulling me up and i was put back on the boat , they made me lie on my back and all the i swallowed was coming out of my mouth and my nose , i was coughing and crying and my friends were laughing at me telling me that i am a *BLEEP* ,no you can decide who is the *BLEEP* but anyway i recovered after some ten minutes and me and my other friend who too met the same fate demanded to go back home ,so again our friends were fuming because we spoiled their day by behaving like babies , but after that incident i have a phobia for water , even though after my ordeal in which i thought i was going to die , i learnt swimming and continued to do so every weekend until a brother of one of my friends was swept away into the sea and lost ,now on that day also we were there too but after that it marked the end of my swimming and my life at sea ,even now i sometimes see in dreams me being drowned or something bad happening , i know i should have gone to a docter too but i never told my parents of that incident because i knew if i told i will be banned from going anymore , but that incident is definitely hidden inside my subconscious and keeps troubling me in someway every now and then.

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all of my fears came form a movvie of corse.when i was 5 i saw childs play 3(the one where hte boy goes to the army thing) childs play is about a killer doll. the doll is possesed by the soul or a sieral killer. and in order for the killer, chuky, to get out he must switch his soul with the first person he shows himsefl to which happnes to be a lil boi. so the doll starts killin ppl by hiding under the bed and in the closets and stuff. so yeah i was scared of him till i was 12 and then becuz of him i grew to be scared of the dark. im 18 and im still a lil afright to be in the dark. but i can handle it way better then i did in my childhood. other fears that has nothing to do with movies is hight. im scared of tall places. like i get dizzy just loking down. you know when u are on a rollor coster and it goes down after going all the way up in the beginning of it you get that lil tingleing feeling in the back or your head. yeah that i hate that. when that happens my heart races and i get dizzy i either tend to faint or vomet. :)there are my 2 cents lol

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Well, I've always had a really active imagination. I remember watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom in the theater when I was young (I know, I'm totally dating myself by admitting to that). We were sitting in the back and I was absolutely sure that a hand was going to reach through the curtain behind me and try to remove my still-beating heart from my body.

I've always been afraid of the dark. The pitch black of night always seemed so suffocating to me, and even as a teenager, I would sometimes sleep with the light on just because I couldn't stand the darkness. I remember having an anxiety attack in the 8th grade because my brother thought it would be fun to lock me in a closet that had the light switch outside. :XD:

I'm not allowed to watch horror movies now because I get too freaked out by the stupidest things. And I go around turning all the lights on and making my husband check in the closet and nudge him like a million times when I hear a noise.

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Hi,This is hilarious.... I like this topic a lot. Kudos to the author, I was never scared of anything as such. I mean I had a lot of animals so I had no fear of animals, I used to play in the dark, climb trees and walls. Well basically my childhood was spent living the life as a jungle woman or something:lol: .The only thing that freaked me out was FLY-|| with jeff Goldblum in it. There is a scene where he is taking out his ear and and his teeth. It was creepy for I LOVED Jeff at that time and was worried that he might never regain his handsome looks :XD: It did not scare me, just worried me :DOther than that, I don't have any fears :)

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Have to say some suspense movies when I was a kid. Jaws for one when I was about 3-4, and the sharks jumping out of nowhere. Aliens, Terminator 2, Jurassic Park 1 and 2 and the like in the cinemas were also tense stuff. Did grow out of it eventually, esp around the time Independence Day and Men in Black came out, it just wasnt scary anymore yet the movies were still enjoyable enough to watch.

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