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Albus Dumbledore

Business Academy Idea That I Need Help With

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Ok, in this topic i am going to ask a few questions and im hoping to get allot of peoples Input!!Ok, in this year of school i am taking somthing called Buisness Acadamy, which is basicly somthing that gets you ready for opening your own business (and looks good on a college application) anywho, i have two questions for everyone <_<Question 1) Ok, part of the business acadamy is that they will loan everyone in this class 25 bucks, and with that 25 bucks, you get to make your own little buisness whether it be on campus or somewhere else. so i was thinking about it and what i could do, and i came up with nothing once so ever... sadly, but sureley i didn't come up with anything, so i am asking you guys/gals/old farts what kind of an ideal you think i should do... umm just keep it appropriate for school por favor, lol did i mention that i have to pay the 25 bucks back, and any cash that i get fromm this project i get to keep, but allot of it will go to the field trips that we get to go on every couple of months, like the three night trip to san fransisco, we have to pay for the hotel, and i think the bus, but there will be a list of what we are paying for.... newho on to the second questionQuestion 2) Ok, i chose to be the leader of the school recycling program, so i need to be responsable for making flyers to put up everywhere that basicly tells people where to recycle their stuff at, what to recycle, and basicly asking them to.... but i need some ideals i think, lol what i mean by ideals is...... somthing kool that not all of the kids will sit there and laugh at... im thinking that could happen some how, so just plug in some ideals, and help me get an easy A... :P please.... lolwith the small business thing, i am really hoping to go far with it and make all of the money i need to in order to be able to go on all of the trips.... because i think that with having to pay for a hotel/motel for three nights... im not to sure if there will be A) a discount for bringing a mass amount of students B) normally there are two beds in a room, so spltting the cost around 100 dollars a night for a room. split in two 50 a night, three nights thats 150, plus breakfast lunch n dinner, etc..... anywho... lol thanx for your help if you decide to input :D

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you guys are alllot of freaking help :Dlol, anywho...... i am attempting to come up with a poster, and i ave come up with this, comments plz??ideals on how to improve it?i tryed to keep the typing down to a minimum because no one likes to read a super long poster...any other ideals? im not to sure if i will be able to print this off in color if i will be stuck with plain black and white.. but still, any ideald? lol

Edited by Albus Dumbledore (see edit history)

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Make a Poster that says:"Remember that we are all here for the three R's... Reduce, Re-use, Recycle...""Support your school recycling program. Give generously."

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how abut this? j ust ignore the blue lines on the top and bottom... its what i copied from the screenshot and the blue border was cut in it :D

Edited by Albus Dumbledore (see edit history)

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Mayby tie the 2 in somehow. Sell cans of softdrink around campus and stick a sign saying recycle on it. With the cans you gather up take to the local recycling club and they'll give you something like 5c per can.

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Mayby tie the 2 in somehow. Sell cans of softdrink around campus and stick a sign saying recycle on it. With the cans you gather up take to the local recycling club and they'll give you something like 5c per can.

yeah, we will be selling soda cans in our student store, although i wish our teacher would get her act together and open the darn thing! the student store is the buisness academy's source of money for going on over night field trips to like sanfransico, and other places.

thanx for the tip i think we can add some recycling bins on the outside of the student store and hopefully some people will deposit them in there :)

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