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Help With Making My Sites Content Work On Opera Object and Embed Tag Help

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Warning: The site I am asking for help on contains drug references and material. DO not enter if you are under 18 or, your state, country, or current location deems this illegal. If you are a law enforcement or government agency you may not enter.


I am making a site called i-am-stoned.com (right now i have the domain forward to my other site, ojproductions.net, until i find hosting) And it has funny flash videos and games and it has videos from youtube and other "stonerific" stuff. Site is hosted right now on trap 17's servers under my hosting at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for testing. Go there if you want to help me.


This is where my problem started:


I went to put my first flash game (boohbah) on my site. It worked fine in IE so i tested it in Opera next. It did not work. So i kept slighty changing things and all of a sudden it worked. The only problem the only problem it had before i fixed it was that the video would not play. The sound worked fine, but just the video would not start for some reason. I have the same problem now with every flash video. Here is the code i used for the one that works, and i just changed the links of the videos and that's it.


<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100%><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="boohbah.com/zone.swf;<PARAM NAME=loop VALUE=false><PARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE=false><PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#ffffff><EMBED src="boohbah.com/zone.swf&%2334; loop=false menu=false quality=high wmode=false bgcolor=#ffffff WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100% TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"></EMBED></OBJECT>

This was the code i thought worked. The link to this page is: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and it is the first one. The 2nd one is the one that does not work in Opera. Can someone tell me what i am doing wrong? Also on the Hippo Noodles video, the 2nd one, the pop-up screen wont always be that big it's just like that while i try to find the right width and height i want.
Edited by BooZker (see edit history)

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I dont actually use opera but i use firefox so i know the problems that you can have when not using IE when it comes to flash (sometimes) the first thing to try is to make sure that your opera has the latest version of flash player and all other avaliable media plugins installed and working fine, if you find one missing or broken addit or replace it.I dont know what compatability is like between opera and flash and general website media so i cant be specific, sorry. Try it in another browser like firefox even if you dont use it just to see if its opera or the fact that only IE will show it correctly (EXTREMELY unlikely but possible!) but like i said im not an opera user only really firefox and IE for website testing.

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Why can't law enforcement and government agency enter the site? Just wondering, I'm 13 so I didn't enter the site, probably wouldn't want to anyways, sounds shocking.Anyways, Opera is a tricky browser to deal with when creating web sites. Your best option is to use JavaScript when designing the pages with videos in it.

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Why can't law enforcement and government agency enter the site? Just wondering, I'm 13 so I didn't enter the site, probably wouldn't want to anyways, sounds shocking.
Anyways, Opera is a tricky browser to deal with when creating web sites. Your best option is to use JavaScript when designing the pages with videos in it.

haha to be 100% honest the site has nothing that bad, but pictures of weed and 1 actual video of someone making a blunt right now. It has lots of flash videos, but i have had problems with them so i took them down except for Boohbah which i got to work and then Hippo Noodles which i keep to work on. Law enforcement is not allowed to enter because i don't want them too. This way unless they have a search warrant they woul dnot be allowed to enter the site. It was part, it looks good, and part for the reason i don't want to get arrested for something dumb. The other warnings are just because i dont wanna get sued. Sense this site is in America every site is at chance to get sued for some dumb reason.

Is there any other way to put videos in except for object and embed tags?

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haha i don't even smoke weed.You spelled disgusting wrong by the way. That is the wrong type of "wood" it's Would. And uve is not a word. Did you mean you have or you've. Maybe you should stop caring about what other people do and go to school.Also it has been inspected and it has not been shut down because you might have heard of something called freedom of speach. By the way... I hope you don't smoke cigs, drink alcohol, ever take any kind of prescription drugs, or anything that is "bad" for you because not only is all that stuff bad it's all worse then weed. Alcohol is addicting, weed has nothing to make you addicted unless you buy the wrong stuff. Alcohol you can drink too much, no matter how much weed you smoke you can not over dose. Prescription drugs are also addicting along with you can over dose. Weed is well, a weed. There is nothing even close to as bad as cigs or chew. They have god damn fiber glass and tar in it. So if you do any of those things i am more disgusted in you. Any scientific study would show you that weed is so much less lethal then alcohol, prescription drugs, cigs, chew, even cigars. Get over it. You can not even buy weed on it or find a place where you can get it. How about this. I will take it down if you can prove weed is worse then cigs or alcohol. Get on it.

Edited by BooZker (see edit history)

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Lol, I go to a ACG private school, it the mock exams A++ and same in all my tests... its called short hand.I on the odd occassion will have wine, a glass or two is actualy healthy, i at the most will have half a glass in a night, weather its red or white, I normally only have a little bit, i can control myself.Weed is illegal,perscription drugs are ok, as long as you follow exactly or under your doctors precise rules. And I will never never never smoke anything, wether its illegal or just ciggs, they are so bad for u! And weed leads onto things like pee and things like that! they dont maker things illegal for nothing... they wont ban computers coz people have fun, but they ban weed coz its bad and leads onto more serious drugs! And it can cause havvoc!Besides: Why the heck wood u create a site on illegals

Edited by lemonwonder (see edit history)

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they dont maker things illegal for nothing... they wont ban computers coz people have fun, but they ban weed coz its bad and leads onto more serious drugs! And it can cause havvoc!
Besides: Why the heck wood u create a site on illegals

Your kidding right? You think that cigs are so much less worse that they should not be illegal, but weed is SO bad that it has to be illegal. You know what else is illegal? Wearing masks in public. Also, i am not joking, flicking boogers is illegal. Come on now. OJ got off too. The whole legal system is simply... *BLEEP*ed up. It can not cause havoc anyways. Your *BLEEP*ing high. Let me explain. When you are high you like to sit around. You dont wanna go out an cause havoc.

My site also has NOTHING illegal on it. Tell me what is illegal on it? Legally anyone under 18 can go on it. If we were to start speaking about being legal then you would not stand a second. Please do not say stuff you do not know.

By the way. Your not supposed to type in short hand on the forums. just like TTYL or PLZ and LOL BRB. These are not acceptable in the forums. And would is only 1 letter less then wood. doesn't seem to short to me. I might as well type the whole 5 letter word. It takes me a whole 1/2 second to type it.
Edited by BooZker (see edit history)

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Ok, i am sorry, but from what i know weed makes u go high and u see things that arent there and u go nutz.... but ill stop coming to this thread

OK umm how old are you? I used to go to a catholic school and i know i knew more then what you know. Weed does not make you go crazy. You really have to do a little research. I think you are thinking of acid or meth? Seriously though how old are you?

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I honestly can't belive that you are asking for help publicly on a site that is clearly illegal. I am under 18, and have (and will never) access your website.This website is clearly in violation of the law, as well as Xisto's TOS, and I'd advise you to remove it as soon as possible. Also, the police don't need a search warrant to view your site, message or no.

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Ok can we all get this straight.First off Trap 17 AND Xisto have approved it.The site is NOT illegal because it has NO illegal material.The actual videos, not flash videos, are taken from youtube, google video, ectI can post this because i set up a warning in this post. BuffaloHELP told me it is fine as long as i put a warning in bold red letters which i have done.Weed in some countries is legalWeed does not make you go CrAzY. That is acid and meth.If you do not want to help then please do not post as it is a waste of my time by going here and thinking maybe someone would like to help.Please do not access my site if you feel uncomfortable watching videos of boohbah and teletubbies. And i am going to repreat this:THIS SITE HAS NOTHING ILLEGAL ON IT!Yes the police DO need a search warrant. This is MY site and i live in America. In America police, unless told by a judge or the owner himself, can not go snooping around in anything that does not belong to them unless the have reason to be alarmed. If people were telling the cops "Hey this site is selling drugs" and they go there and the site i was on was selling drugs they can not do anything until they have court approval. Before they do that they would have to ask me first anyways and i would take that material off. Indeed they could do any of this, but even the worse lawyer on the planet could get me off due to the fast the accessed a website that clearly showed they can not enter withour approval.I would love for someone to go there and show me what is illegal and why police and goverment agencies can enter legally at anytime without a reason too. Please go ahead. I do my research and quit acting like i am an idiot. I am only 16 and i am in college doing graphic design and web master courses. I will have my BA before my friends even get there 2 year.

Edited by BooZker (see edit history)

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While I won't attempt to prove that your website is illegal without actually viewing its content, I will debate one other topic.


Police do not need a search warrant to view a website.


The supreme court has held that things in "plain view" do not require a search warrant. I suggest that you review the Fourth Amendment as well as the open fields doctrine.


Websites (at least the part visible to the general public) have absolutely no Fourth Amendment protections,

Edited by uiop (see edit history)

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While I won't attempt to prove that your website is illegal without actually viewing its content, I will debate one other topic.


Police do not need a search warrant to view a website.


The supreme court has held that things in "plain view" do not require a search warrant. I suggest that you review the Fourth Amendment as well as the open fields doctrine.


Websites (at least the part visible to the general public) have absolutely no Fourth Amendment protections,


Contrary to its apparent meaning, the "open fields" doctrine has been expanded to include almost any open space other than the land immediately surrounding a domicile (for instance, in Oliver v. United States 466 U.S. 170 (1984), the police ignored a "no trespassing" sign, trespassed onto the suspect's land without a warrant, followed a path several hundred yards, and discovered a field of marijuana. The Supreme Court ruled that no search had taken place.

On the contrary. These files are mine. Yes, they are on the internet, but let's say i had my car sitting in a parking lot and a cop wanted to look inside. the car is my belonging and although it is not in my driveway it is still mine. Although my webpages are hosted on Trap 17 servers they are MY webpages created on my computer. The next block which i set up which is completely legal and right, is i made a disclaimer. A disclaimer are rules and restrictions to view MY material. Just like a cop can not come inside and view computer without a warrant he or she is not allowed to access my site without prior permission from the owner, me. As the quote from the article you sent me, it is the exact same thing, but instead of a backyard it is files. If the court had to write each individual thing protected by the 4th it would fill up books after books. That is why they made it any personal belongings, household, ect.


As you also stated "(at least the part visible to the general public)" the site after you click Enter is NOT viewable to the public unless they agree. Is this not what the site says? If says "If you agree to these terms and conditions and are also at least 18 years of age you may enter. If they are not 18 or do not agree then the rest of the site IS not acessible to the public. No matter how you try to state your theory it will always come back where my site is protected.


If you can find somewhere that i says exactly "law enforcement nor any goverment agencies need a search warrant to view any website at any time without prior permission from the courts such as a search warrant" then please send me the link.


Thanks for the wikipedia article. I read the whole thing. I like reading about cases and seeing who won. <_<

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