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Karma What karma really is?

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I think that karma and karmic law of action and reaction is present in the bible also but was very nicely deleted in the concils. Well not everything and there are many traces which tell us that reincarnation and karma play an important role in one's life.

Karma or the law of cause and effect is the most basic and universal law that manages life on all planets in the cosmos. This law points out that every thought, word or action result in a certain cause. These causes may have good or bad consequences which influence humans in the present life or in the lives to come. In bible it is written:

“Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at for whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap.”


“An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.”

. In science we know that every action has an equal and an opposite reaction.
Beings on higher evolutionary levels have telepathic capabilities. As they do not posses a physical body, they cannot see human actions but can read their thoughts. Thoughts are energy. Every action, every word and every thought take a certain form in the mental body, which is located in the Spirit. These forms are reflected by Earth through Sun, which transforms this radiation in the constellation of Libra. Hierarchies of suns in the constellation of Libra are Lords of karma for Earth. These hierarchies execute the karmic law on the basis of people’s thoughts without exception. This is why we cannot hide a single thought, word or action.Therefore not only actions have karmic consequences but thoughts and words too. Jesus said:

“But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart”


“But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment.”

Buddha also taught that our thoughts create the reality we live in. The future of a human depends upon his thoughts and actions.
Everything has to be in balance, so every cause has to be balanced with a consequence. Human cannot be transformed into an angel without finishing serving all karmic sentences. Jesus said:

“I tell you the truth; you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.”

Thoughts and actions also determine whether a Spirit is born as a woman or as a man. Sex also depends upon easier development of one’s personality and easier balancing of one’s karma. For example, if one is male and one abuses a female, one will be a female in his next life in order to repay for one’s evil actions in a similar situation. If one lives a balanced life (without creating karma) as male or female, one will be of the same sex in his next life. As a Spirit one has no sex.
One of the problems of homosexuality is that a Spirit cannot develop in the way it is supposed to. If one has a male organ than one is a man and if one has a female organ than one is a woman. This role is given in this life and it is one’s duty to play this role. If one does not play this role, he is violating the Law and that results in bad karma. If one is not capable of playing one’s role as a male or female than one should practice sexual abstinence. It is better to be sexually abstinent and concentrate on evolution than be homosexual. If one acts like an animal, one has a big chance of becoming one in one’s next life. Sexuality is meant solely for reproduction which enables evolution of the Spirit. Violation of the Law leads to “pests” and to the destruction of civilizations. These “pests” are natural laws, executed because of the will of Sun angels. “Pests”, which appear because of the sexual depravity, are various venereal diseases such as AIDS, Syphilis…

Karma also works as a pendulum. Human who is rich and is not willing to share his riches with the poor is going to be a poor man in his next life. Until one does not repay all his debts, one is bound to the circle of living and dying. Jesus said:

“How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!"

He tried to tell us that rich people are very unlikely to renounce material goods and go through a long and hard process of self-culture which can last even for the whole life time. The Ten Commandments were passed on to humans so they would be capable of avoiding bad karma. If one lives by them, he is sure to advance in evolution and if on violates them, he is sure to sink down the evolutionary scale.

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wonderful explanation, I got a little tired reading even. :)interesting stuff, I don't know why people are not reading and replying to this...basically, what you are saying is that life is all interconnected and balanced out and this is essentially what karma is, right?very interesting...

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I sort of believe in karma. If you do something bad, chances are, something bad is going to happen to you. If you do something good, chanced are, something good is going to happen to you. My youth leader calls it causality- everything is cause and effect. And at the end, everything will be judged, because we live in a world of causality. But you don't get to heaven based on the good and bad that you do. Which is good, because I wouldn't be there.. heh.

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i beleive in karma.... its kinda strange that i believe in karma but i lack religion. Karma in its self is basically just life... isnt there that saying that goes 'life is but without a cruel sense of irony' ... karma give life that irony... i know life can be ironic even when you havent put out anything bad into the 'universe' but still... its usually the 'bad' people who say 'nothing could go wrong' then BAM! ... somthing goes wrong...Plus, Karma makes for good television... 'My name is Earl' is one of my fav shows... i dont watch it much anymore but its quite funny. its often promoted with the tagline 'karma is a funny thing'. But thats karma for u.... ironic

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lol.. i do believe in cause and effect, but not recarnation or having a next life.. AHHAA.. Don't get me wrong, i have nothing against buddism. My whole family is buddish (except me.. i decided to be an atheis). I believe in buddha teaching but not the supernatural power part, recarnation, and other stuff. I believe that for everything you do, your effects will remain in this life. It does not carry over to your next life (if there is one). For everything you do, there will always be a good and bad effects. You have to sacrifice something to gain something. For example, if you did something bad to gain great fortune, then you might become hated and distrusted by everyone. This might seem significant to some and other might not think the same way. It's not something we can comprehand quickly.If karma does exist, then the chain of karma will never end. If someone killed your mom, and you go and killed theirs, you can't exactly say we are even. This is not like math where negaitve 1 plus positive one makes zero. Life is much more complex than just two varibles.

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I don't fully believe in Karma that much. For one thing, I don't fully believe in any one religion. (No offense to anyone) I believe that things happen just because. There isn't a specific reason (excluding things that can be explained, like planned stuff). People just use Karma as another way to cover up a plot hole.Although I don't believe in Karma, I do find it very interesting. The fact that people get what they deserve crosses my mind a lot. If you do something bad, and something bad happens to you (like getting arrested and put into prision or something) then you deserve it. If you know what's right and what's wrong, if you still chose to do the wrong thing, then you shouldn't get pity.

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