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Brian Gillingham

Equal Rights - More Money When I went to work, my wife didnt have to...

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I don't think that it is fair that I could earn a yearly wage of roughly four times the amount that my wife can. Granted, I have a college degree and have been working in that field for a few years, but I could work my way up to that same wage in a different field in a matter of years. She is now considering working two jobs while my self-employment is still brining in less than what we need. I currently have two "businesses" from home - and they are just now starting to make me the kind of money that I was earning before (for the evil corporations). What would be nice is if she could earn more money for doing the same work. Her job isn't brain surgery, but it also isn't the type of thing you could employ a robot to do.I wonder sometimes what would happen if all women just stopped taking jobs that pay lower. Would men start taking these positions - and would they get paid more? The one exception to this rule that I can think of would be porn actors - where the men usually get paid much less than the women stars. No - I don't want for my wife to apply for a job in porno...Just a couple thoughts for a weekday morning...

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Well I think it probably would be helpful if your wife had a college degree (the way you said it it made it sound like she didn't, apolgies if I misunderstood) I don't know what exactly your jobs are but sometimes women take the less paying jobs because the man wants to be the one to make the money in the house and makes almost enough for them all and the women can take more days off for the kids or whatever. My parents make almost the same money at different jobs just my mom works a couple hours less. Yes I think women can make just as much as men, they just have to apply for the job. I know a lot of women that do indeed make more money then their husband and some that are the same. Sure men would take the smaller job as well. I have seend just as many men as women take smaller jobs like restaurants and what not.

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I forgot to mention the fact that she is also working toward completing a degree from home via an online university.My college degree was in Civil Engineering - a field in which I never worked. I just thought that it would be better to get the degree than to drop out. My employment has centered around computer programming.You are reminding me of the recent talk about the "illegal immigrants". The pundits would say things like "they do jobs that we don't want to". Couldn't it be a heirachy of workers - with the women just above the immigrants? I guess that the separate tiers exist, but not intentionally.I am not suggesting a socialist system, just something a bit more fair.The sad truth is (see if this pops an image of your old boss - or your current manager): many times those who get paid the six-digit salaries are less competent and more lazy than the people who do the real labor for that business.

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I am out of the working public now, as am retired, but I ran into this all during my working years. Just because I am a female, I was earning less per hour than the males doing the same jobs. I am not just talking about same job descriptions across the board. I mean, males working along side me at the exact same job were earning more than me. I found a high school graduate boy two years younger than I was making the same pay as I was at one employer. My job was a much more difficult and I had much more responsibility than he did. I already had a college education at the time. This really burned me. Not to mention that I also ran into not getting hired because, "men needed the job more than you do because the have famlies to support." Well, duh, I was a single mother at the time trying to support my family. I don't know how or when this will change. Equal opportunity was supposed to address this issue, but as everyone can see, it didn't when it comes to the male/female aspect.

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well i find myself in an opposite position, all the jobs i've done have paid everyone doing the same kind of job as me at the same rate of pay regardless of their gender, but what really annoys me is that there are people who don't do their job properly, or are nearly as productive as me but we all get the same money, sometimes i find myself doing the amount of work that two people would normally do without any recognition. i think robots should decide how much people earn and not other people.

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