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Need Two New Banners!

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Hey guys a couple of weeks ago I asked for avalon to make a banner for my site and he did a fabulous job it was deffinetly a job well done. However now I need a banner just for our PGT Team (http://www.pgtour.net/) the size as you can see it needs to be 730 X 100. Now I could talk about the theme and colors however it is pretty obvious. Id like it to have a spacy (dont know how to spell unfortunatly), and starcraft look as well as not being to bright. Deffinetly needs to look good agaisnt that black and red themed background. Now im gonna give you some links to other teams that have banners that I like and hopfully you can come up with somthing cause im just absoulty horrible in photoshop and cant even do layers so any thing I get I would much appreciate.
http://www.pgtour.net/ I love the starcraft images mixed in the background that looks awesome what is that called? Rendering? Any way hopfully you can see the theme were going after in that picture.
http://www.pgtour.net/ In this one I like the spacy and kinda glossy look to it. Deffinetly awesome in my opinion.
Any way hopfully those two examples can help you guys.

Problem #2 I also need a banner for my other site. Now dont panic! id like it to be the same one but I dont know the exact size and am wondering if the 730 one could fit in here you decide: http://amidal.com/ Would it work? How much will stretching it mess it up? Because that dbZ nonsense REALLY has to go. Any way once again thanks in advance.

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whoops my bad I forgot to pu thtat as far as text goes all i want is Team TaKe. in the upper top left. So at least that part is simple. Any way if any one could help me out with this banner id be much appreciated

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I'm working on these banners for you but I have a problem with the second one you want. The link you gave doesn't really show where you want the banner to go and my Firefox says I need a plug-in to view the page properly, but it can't tell me what plug-in need. To save lot of messing around, can you just tell me the size you need the second banner to be?


Here's the first banner, I hope you like it.

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I really like the color scheme of that one and how the Team TaKe. kinda blends into the background the sprite or render of the space ship is kinda out of place though. It makes it look kind of star trek / starwars ish. Now I realize Starcraft is a very old game and it is difficult to find renders and High quality pics but even still I think a Zerg hydralisk head, a terran Marine or even a protoss zealot would look better in the background and would fit the situation better than a space ship. Oh and we only need the 730 x 100 banner so just scrap the other one.

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Sorry, when you said a 'spacy' theme I thought you meant a spaceship in space. No worries, I actually found a few renders of the characters you mentioned so I can put something together for you. *Watch this space* (pun intended) :(



I think a Zerg hydralisk head, a terran Marine or even a protoss zealot would look better

How about all 3? I didn't find any renders as such, I had to cut them myself. :) Is this more like what you wanted?

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