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Setting Up A Non Profit

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i am currently in the midst of setting up a non profit organization for crime victims specifically related for women who are victims of domestic violence and sexual assault

has anyone here ever set up a non profit or a somewhat similar organization? i've already done tons of research and collected tons of resources but i wanted to know other people's experiences and efforts in this area to help me further in areas i might need help with.

would be interested in grant and loan information, help with setting up a 501c3 tax execpt status, financial and legal advice. if you have experience any any of these areas and would like to offer assistance, please let me know.

i would also like someone to donate their time and effort in helping build a professional looking website. if interested in doing something like this for a good cause, please post a reply and i can get back to you privately. i know how to construct a website, but my time is limited in other things right now.

my next post will detail what i have written out about the organization i want to set up.

my next post will detail what i have written out about the organization i want to set up.

Angels of Community Hope

Our Angels of Community Hope are ALL volunteers and supporters that arrive in need. Our angels are also the victims, in hopes one day they return to help others in need after getting the help they themselves needed at one time, paying it forward. Angels of Community Hope is a non-profit organization providing comprehensive programs and services for individuals and families experiencing domestic and sexual abuse, crisis situations and life changes. Our mission is to minimize the incidence and the impact of crisis situations including domestic and sexual abuse by directing victims and even the abusers to appropriate, effective programs and services. Angels of Community Hope will be taking a direct approach in offering the effective programs and services for those in Life changes to insure a better living environment, stability, and responsible living within their community, bringing women out of their emotional isolation and addressing the life struggles they face. Angels of Community Hope will offer these effective programs and services through love, acceptance and confidentiality while working with those who need to develop new strategies for living, and healing from the struggles of life. We will support and encourage the mottoes, people helping people, and victims helping victims. "Angels of Community Hope is a light that never goes out, an eye that is never closed, an ear that is never shut, a heart that never grows cold."

Shelter: Angels of Community Hope will provide a safe living environment for those in a crisis situation including a bed to sleep on, food to eat, clothing to wear, and personalized support and attention to the victims/residents specific needs.

Case Management: Angels of Community Hope will provide an action plan and program that is developed by the client/resident with the support of an advocate. Safety and goals are assessed, and a plan is formulated to meet the specific needs of the client/resident. Formulated plans are reviewed in a regular and timely manner with changes in service as the needs of the client/resident change. Plans and updates are designed to include the unique needs of all children involved as well. Each formulated plan of action will include a follow up program for all clients/residents who feel they no longer need our assistance. Angels of community hope will take this extra measure of responsibility to ensure all those involved remain on a responsible path in life.

Safety Plan: One of Angels of Community Hopes highest priority is to initiate an individualized safety plan for all clients/residents. This will include the shelter we provide, awareness of the dangers and ways to protect themselves of the dangers, and a self-defense program specifically designed for women. Our goal within this safety plan will be to offer advice and choices for women to protect themselves from the dangers that they may face in the future; choices that they may not have had in the past. This will promote self-esteem and confidence and motivation that they would not normally have.

Emotional Coping Skills: Another high priority of Angels of Community Hope is to provide emotional coping skills by providing ongoing group therapy meetings ever day. This will include addressing what happened in their life and eventually acceptance of what happened in their life so they are able to live their life as it was intended. This will be accomplished by talking about their problems within a group environment and support from other crime victims in a similar situation with unconditional love, understanding and acceptance. This will also be accomplished with the other services we offer in guidance and support and living by our motto, "Angels of Community Hope is a light that never goes out, an eye that is never closed, an ear that is never shut, a heart that never grows cold. We will also incorporate therapy that includes animals. They offer calming, comfort, security and socialization in the home. The loyalty of a dog and the independence of a cat that can often give the unconditional love and support that humans cannot at times. The free swimmers of colorful tropical fish, which can add to the peace and tranquility needed. Regular visits to the park in Bolivar to visit with the ducks, geese, swans, peacocks and squirrels that have made their home there.

Sponsorship Program: Angels of Community Hope will not only encourage people helping people, but victims helping victims as well. We will do this by incorporating a friendship/sponsorship program where each victim is there for another. Each sponsors responsibility will include encouragement and support on a daily basis. We will take, I get by with a little help from my friends approach. We will also oversee the sponsorship program to ensure it is being run responsibly and effectively.

Meetings: Among the daily group therapy meetings to help with emotional coping skills, we will provide experts in specific fields and community speakers to volunteer their time to talk to crime victims on varying topics, issues, and special interests that relate to peoples specific needs, awareness and coping skills. These meetings will not only be available for residents, but for non-residents as well. The meetings open to non-residents will be held somewhere other than the residence of Angles of Community Hope to ensure and protect the safety and confidentiality of the current residents.

Resources: All residents and non-residents will receive an information package that includes many resources that can offer more expert outside assistance that Angels of Community Hope cannot offer. These resources include but are not limited to a crime victims rights handbook, legal assistance resources, counseling, therapy and medical resources, crime victim advocate resources, and other resources that fit the specific and individual needs of crime victims. If we dont have a specific resource that fits the specific needs of a crime victim, then we will find it for them.

Other Areas of Assistance: Angels of Community Hope will offer specific and individualized assistance in the areas of, but not limited to transportation assistance, job placement assistance, education and training assistance, and other miscellaneous assistance for those with specific needs and goals. If we cannot offer specific areas of assistance, we will find resources that will help them with their needs.

Crisis Hotline: Angels of Community Hope will offer immediate help and crisis intervention for those who call a dedicated phone # linked to our residence and those who write to us online via a dedicated chat room for immediate help and crisis intervention. We will offer these services through the assistance of http://newhopenow.org/; America's first agency dedicated to 24-hour nationwide suicide prevention and telephone counseling sponsored by a church. This first of its kind agency was established in 1968 and has been thriving and helping thousands of people ever since.

Home advocacy: Angels of Community Hope will set up a friendship/advocacy program to visit those in a crisis situation within their own homes offering support, advice, and resources dedicated to their individual needs.

Community Involvement: Angels of Community Hope will set up a community involvement program. We will support the idea of people helping people. Volunteers will be sought and selected to help with ongoing operations of the home and other activities that enable Angels of Community Hope to run effectively and efficiently as it grows.

Charitable Donations: The objective at first will be to obtain grant money or a low interest loan to purchase Angels of community hope. Initial funding and donations will also be needed to support the expenses that include but are not limited to food, clothing, bedding and appliances. The creation of a sign for the front of the house will also be needed. Flyers and posters, business cards, letterheads, envelopes and postage. The initial costs to run fundraisers, charity events, and paid advertising. Legal and accounting assistance to ensure everything is run properly and efficiently to the standards of the city, county, state and federal levels. Once our goals are achieved to receive the initial funding and donations needed, Angels of community hope will be able to sustain itself through local community fund raisers, charitable events and the contributions from the Angels of Community Hope.

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hi? you are building a great organiztion can you i join in there? and help? or you are just recruiting members and partners who only lives in america or near in your country? i am in the Philippines hey why don't you create one for the Philippines too? a chapter for our countrythat organization is nice

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Nice initiative anwii. I wish you all the best for this organization. I hope it will bring change to society. Some things i would like to suggest you is you've to look at many things. First thing is as this organization deals with relationships and support to victims, you need to have good lawyers with you to help organization on legal matters and frequent consulting. They'll even help for tax deduction support to your organization, and resolving other financial matters. Also make sure your organization gets its own website soon. This will help many people to connect. Also you'll meet plenty of people who will criticize and accuse organization in many way. Which is quite natural. And i guess you're well prepared to face such situations. Another thing is promotion. You need to promote it on web and offline so that people know where to go for help in such situation. There are many other things i would like to point as i've participated in local organization which was active for environment,culture, poverty support. For that we got help from Rotary club, greenpiece and some other local organization. Some people from other organization could help you with many pointers. It's just that you need to meet the right person who'll help you in this. I may not able to guideline you for organizational things cause we're in different continents. But all the best to your organization. Kudos !

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