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Server Response Time

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I have noticed that this message has been comming up for a while, and now its bugging me when I try to refresh the shoutbox, or visit a webpage on a Xisto Server. The following comes up in firefox, and a similar "page can not be displayed" in Internext Explorer.


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Any causes or do we have like a server load limit of 20 or something, that shutsdown after it hits the max? :rolleyes:

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how fast is your internet connection? do you have other applications (example: download managers, etc.) running simultaneous while accessing the page you are trying to access?

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No I don't. I'm on a 54 MBPS wireless connection from a desktop computer. And it does not happen just to me. I was talking to other people and they have mentioned it and stuff, especially the new commers. (lawmatchmaker) has mentioned it to me and stuff.And my nieghbor, who uses this site (guess who.... :rolleyes: ) has the same problem, its not all the time, just sometimes and its only Xisto, not other hosts. So its setting or load balancing option I guess.

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i see the forumize wiki now. :) 2 days ago, forumize.trap17.com just shows your file listings of your public_html folder since you didn't have an index page back then. and i still see your IPB forums, still same 9 members as when i last checked 2 days ago. i'm on dialup anyway. :( anyway, these are just occasional hiccups which crop up every once in a while. best thing to do when it happens again is disconnect then reconnect your net connection to rule out if its an issue on your end. if that does not work, then we all need to be patient as server resolves any issues (IF and WHEN it is a server issue) which prevents access to Xisto forums and member pages. :( by the way, it is highly improbable that both Xisto forums and member pages will be down at the same time since they are on different servers as far as i know. that would be a catastrophe if both went down. :D

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It happens at the same time. What happens sometimes is, that I get that message in the shoubox, if I'm not active on the page for like 5-10 minutes or something...What happens is, I open two firefox tabs, on for Xisto and one for my Forumize. So if I know there talking a while, that error will come up. I was thinking that its a server load limit, that cuts the connection if there are too many processes running, or someone restarts the server.But I just hit F5 or Refresh and it loads normall again! :)

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with your latest details above, it is MOST likely to be a connection issue on your part. no matter how "big" or "fast" your bandwidth seems to be, it's your ISP which has to answer for that access error since it is hardly a Xisto forum or member site issue. :) gladly on my part, even if i'm on dialup, i don't experience such error. there have been similar reports of this kind in previous threads, but all the same, if i access it even on a dialup, i find no server problem since i can always present a screencap as proof of successful access of member site in question (hence my usual question of a user's connection and apps running on particular issues as this). :(it seems people with fast internet connections are the ones usually reporting this. can't figure out why though since they almost are sure it's not a "connection issue" on their part. :( perhaps an "idle" timeframe prevents "instant" delivery of pages since it has to reestablish for some time the connection. don't quote me on that though, just tossing up some ideas. :D

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perhaps an "idle" timeframe prevents "instant" delivery of pages since it has to reestablish for some time the connection. don't quote me on that though, just tossing up some ideas. :(

Thats what I have come to think it is, there is something config, different about Xisto and other hosts, because its only with Xisto. I don't care about it, just that someone asked me and stuff, and I thought I would find out, since its been like this forever. Its not all the time, just maybe like 3-5 time a week, at the most. Depends ony how long I'm on Xisto or my site.

Its definatly something with Ajax or Refresh Rates, and idle processes. (maybe not ajax...but :) )

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That only happens when I'm using Azureus (a bittorrent client), which sucks up all my internet "juice". It bugs me though, I'd much rather have it wait as long as it needs to and show it, rather than wait a few seconds and say it's not there. =/

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