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What To Do If You Computer Is Infected With A Virus

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actually, i very concern about it, so i protect my computer in good condition.i scare 1 day, my data could lost and my personal detail like password will expose.This is the ways i protect my computer1. install windows, and then install all software needed. (*make sure computer free from virus, trojan, worm and spyware)2. backup your computer. (i use norton ghost)3. if can, make a or few copy to your important data, in DVD, Harddisk or any storage.4. if you know your computer mayb infected, run antivirus and clean it. (but i recommend restore your computer with your backup, because antivirus may not detect all virus)hope this will help those face with this kind of problem

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I didn't download anything what I did was to do a google search for a ford 7.3 diesel turbocharger and clicked on the page link and there it was a massive infection, I thought that my AVG was updated but apparently not then I couldn't start the computer to deal with the problem what to do?????? 

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If you still have virus in safe mode then check the registy "regedit".

The position

"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon"

The Valve name "Shell" should be "Explorer.Exe" only

For example

Valve name "Shell" = "Explorer.Exe csvss.Exe"

That mean you have virus "csvss.Exe"

Then goto command prompt in safemode and use command "Tskill"

c:>Tskill csvss /a

goto  Run => regedit

Inside the Valve name "Shell" delete " csvss.Exe"

Reboot you computer


Do not delete "Explorer.Exe" in the valve name "Shell"

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