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Gfxtrap.com Has Hit 50,000+ Downloads

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It will be a year now since I hosted the first download pack of renders for people to use in their sigs, templates, wallpapers and more. of course on other sites I had many fights about it and what not, but I guess when you have renders that are easier to download instad of spending hours saving them on individual pages it would make sense.So thanks for Downloading them and what not also if you have a bunch of renders that you have made and have a pack in zip or rar let me know and I upload them to the site for other people to enjoy.

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Grats mikey, I remember back when you first started that and we were chatting on aim or msn or something when it hit 50. A thousand times that many later, it's still going strong. 50,000 is a great achievement, nice job. :rolleyes:

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