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Looking For Gfx Staff For A New Project Please read if interested

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Well this will be a trap 17hosted site since im not using all of my features thru my current service. so this allowes me to use it up. I already have the forums set up. i just need to find a nice skin. The name of the site I have but I have not yet purchased the domain. So I will not disclose that at this moment.What im looking to do is start a Car restyling site. So im looking for designers who are into modifying vehicles of all kind. It is not the traditional graphic design site, but the concept is the same. I look forward to have design contest for the best modified vehicles. I plan on hosting Weekly contest similar to the SOTW or WOTM. Such as each week we will present a stock car image for altering. and every month we will host the WOTM. all vehicle related. This is not a unique idea. There are very few sites that are doing this and seem to be heading in the right direction. What I plan to do to set us apart is first to present our users with a great layout design. Why this? Well the current site that I have visited has a default VB skin and is not a very pleasing look. Also the site is not managed well by the staff. There is a lot of off topics posted in many sections of the site. The sites banner is also not of great quality. Tho, I still think the site is a good site serving its major purpose, but I do plan to rise above.So I will be looking for designers interested in being a part of the teamas well as looking for people experienced with running a phpbb board and modifying it as well.I will also be in need of a render team. If interested feel free to post here and or email: jinx@estudio9designs.com

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Sorry garbage, I'm just not a car guy at all...I mean, I like nice cars, but modifying them and such just doesn't do much for me.

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