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Albus Dumbledore

A Special Road/street Car Controlling Design a design that can control cars, the speed, etc...

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Ok, well me and my grandma were on a trip home from Angels Camp California and we were talking about tecnology and i for some reason just came up with this crazy ideal about a design that goes throughout the US that can controll cars, that can controll anything.The ideal is simple, the ideal is that there are wires in the road when they lay the road, and there are wires in the speed limit signs, and there are wires in the stop signs there are basicly wires everywhere. and in these wires they contain a signal in the speed wires it says the speed limit is 55 MPH, it is 35 MPH etc...in the stop signs the wire sends a signal saying STOP. and in every car there are sensors that catch the signals that the wires send off and tell a computer (the car) to do what it says... i know some people are probably thinking "How stupid, wires that tell a vehicle what to do. its crazy!" but it is not just controlling the Vehicle, but it is driving it. it will not just tell the car to stop, go faster, go slower, but it will drive the vehicle to wherever you want. With a GPS system you plugin where you want to go and it shall take you. you will sitll be able to take controll of the car whenever you want by pushing a button, but the ideal is that it will drive you places. and yes i am sure you are also saying "But there are other cars out there, and how will one park"well the answer is simple, in the back, and sides of each vehicle there will also be wires and censors that tell other vehicles that there is a car right next to you dont change lanes, or there is traffic and a car is 100 feet a way and will tell the car to start slowing down. as for parking, perhaps there are again wires in the ground of the parking spots and if a wire is not recieving a signal from a car that is right above it, then the spot is open therefor letting a car park there.meh, i know it is not a sure-proof plan, but it is somthing i had never thought about before in my life, but it is somthing that i had thought of in my head in probably a total of 50 seconds..but anywas, that is my ideal :) any smart people put your input in tell negatives posatives etc.. :) >_< :)ohh yes, and i would also like to add, If the push of a button on the steiring wheel can somehow controll the amount of gas that goes into the engine keeping it at a constant state or going slower for however long you want, why couldn't somthing like this be possible?!?

Edited by Albus Dumbledore (see edit history)

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Because for it to be effective, all cars on the highway would have to have this system. If you think that's easy, consider for a moment why that US hasn't converted to Metric. There are so many small appliances that the overall cost of changing would be astronomical. Furthermore, people won't be satisfied with being driven where they want to go. Many youth today find some kind of sick pleasure in driving recklessly, pushing the limits and laws of their car and state.And then, wires in themselves won't tell the car anything. There would need to be spaced Wi-Fi adapters to send the data to the car, but this means a gigantic cost in order to rebuild all the national and international highways with this electronic system. Plus, it would take an astounding amount of electricity to keep it all running, it would be a problem when the road needed work or was flooded, and could potentially break under certain conditions, causing this service to be unavaliable for hundreds if not thousands of miles, leaving the passengers "driving blind."It's a good idea in theory, but only in theory.

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It's a cool idea, fo sho. But you'd have to connect the car to something outside the car that goes into the whole traffic computer system of sorts, which would have to be wireless because you can't have a car plugged in while it's traveling at fast speeds. Also, you'd have to design and maintain both hard- and software appliances/applications to keep the whole system moving, and it would have to have to be completely secured and stuff. When you automate things, they become vulnerable, like everything else on a network, to hackers of sorts.Not to mention that people will probably not find the idea of having no control over the car very reassuring. There will have to be an over-ride system.

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i think this idea has been "idead" lol. have seen it in national geographic or discovery. the idea in his story come up when he is riding a bumper car ride. instead of the poles and the electric wire above, jsut put it between the wheels.but the idea about letting the car know the speed limit is your idea and i think its a good one but hard to build.

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Ok, well me and my grandma were on a trip home from Angels Camp California and we were talking about tecnology and i for some reason just came up with this crazy ideal about a design that goes throughout the US that can controll cars, that can controll anything.

The thought of the government controlling how fast cars can go makes me shudder at all the things that will go wrong.

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I don't think the technology is much of a problem, but the implementation is very very difficult. First of all it is very hard to wire miles over miles of road mainly because of the costs. Second I don't see how anybody could connect the car by wire - wireless is the way to go. Of course that also means higher costs.But a nation wide network like that means the car won't need to be driven by a human. People will only input the destination and since a central computer knows where all cars are there won't be collisions or other accidents. The roads would be much much safer this way...

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