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Why Did Bush

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Oh why did Bush win. I just need to vent some rage because every time I hear President Bushes voice i feel like breaking somthing. I haven't broken anything yet but it's getting annoying to have Bush in office. That's better

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Why? I don't understand why any American would want that man in office! He is destroying our country, I think, as well as others. :D Go ahead and break something, but it isn't going to help. I hate the sound of his voice. And I hate the sight of him. The next four years will be horrible. :)

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I find a lot of Americans are simply confused and scared. That's why Bush is in office. Bush promised to get rid of terrorism by attacking and going on the offensive. This made sense to a lot of americans... It's too bad that most Americans don't know attacking terrorists is the absolute worst way to stop it.Terrorism starts because of extremists who have no more alternatives. In this case, the powerful US is the "big bully" and the terrorists are the little guys. By attacking Iraq for no apparant good reason, Bush simply pushed the terrorsits further and further. Leaving them with fewer alternatives. Even people who had not previously thought about terrorism will now support it. This is classic one step forward (kill one terrorist) and two steps back (they recruit two more because of it).

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Exactly...Does Bush actually believe that by invading Iraq he'll be the big hero and destroy terrorism forever? I mean, it's not like there will be another Bin Laden if he's killed, or anything.Now, one step that can be taken forward (without a couple backwards) would be to actually destroy Al Qaeda...it's communication between terrorists that keeps them funded.

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Let me rephrase what I origanaly said. I do not hate Bush. It is not in my nature to hate any body. I just hate his policies. I do not think he is fit to be the president of the united states. He has done a lot of bad things and that is what I really hate. So just remember that I do not hate him. What really scares me though is that we still have two and a half years with him. If he has already done everything he has it is scary to imagine what he can possibly do with the rest of his term. Now he is ellecting his best friends to every possible post of power in the us government. Oh well, there isn't really anything that we can do. They have to much power

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I don't know  ;) , but we should all be afraid... very afraid...

Especially of each other... since most americans WANT him there.


As I can remember most people voted against him, untill they had to 'recount' the votes. We have to be afraid, true, but not for your own people, you need to be afraid for the people behind the scenes who use Bush as puppet for them needs, they're the ones who made sure he was elected.


I find a lot of Americans are simply confused and scared. That's why Bush is in office. Bush promised to get rid of terrorism by attacking and going on the offensive. This made sense to a lot of americans... It's too bad that most Americans don't know attacking terrorists is the absolute worst way to stop it.

Yes, but what most Americans do not know (more are becoming more concious though) is that Bush coordinated those terrorism attacks and funded their training. (yes I don't only watch the'news', I read too) Finally they can use their expensive weaponry with support from the people, wich is truly very wrong. Don't get me wrong, I like the Americans as people but them government is evil.


I can rant 24/7 about Bush but I better leave it with this :)

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Agree with you all, Bush Is just annother president who is a fool. I mean he is just doing bad things for america and using money for weapons and other things. He shuld use it for helping people. And help those who are poor. Look when the Kathrina came, HE DIDENT SEND HELP AT ONCE??? :) What was he waiting for? Wich president dont want to send help at once when the people is in danger... OFCOURSE.... Bush! ;)

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Well it was either Bush or that other guy, Kerry I think it was. And tbh Kerry wasn't exactly a prime example of president material. I think the main thing I remember is that he kept changing his mind over the war. At times he would support it and other times he would say it was wrong or a mistake or whatever. It was probably to keep the voters in that particular area happy but it isn't very encouraging when a supposed leader keeps changing his mind about something as big as attacking another country. I'm sure there were other things but I can't really remember. Didn't watch much of it since I live in the UK, which probably doesn't make things any better for me and the other 60.4 million people living over here. We all know Blair is Bush's lacky. And what did going to war with Bush give us? Bombings. Lucky the 2nd cell was stopped but lots of people still died during the first bombings, which are related to the war in Iraq, for those who may think otherwise.Condolences to anyone who lost someone during that attack.

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The whole thing about Kerry changing his mind over the war was blown out of proportion by the Bush campaign. They called Kerry a flip-flopper when what happened was Bush's people had congress convinced that they knew where weapons of mass destruction were and that they were going to be used at any time. And then he came to his senses and admitted that he made a mistake. Kerry's platform was sort of, "We shouldn't be there but we can't just leave now that we've gone in and mixed everything up. But let's try to get out as soon as possible"Bush didn't get the most votes in the first election, but you've got to aknowledge the electoral college, even if it is a bunch of hooey and a subject for another long rant. The second time he won I think there were more sinister things going on than the first election. Many voting machines in democratic areas didn't work or sent out the wrong information. It also didn't help that a lot of the people who were into that whol P. Diddy "Vote or Die" thing only registered for merchindise and didn't actually vote. :)I agree on the hating the sound of Bush's voice. Even when he was the governer of Texas I couldn't stand him. He just sounds so dumb. I can't watch him when he comes on television, I need to read things later on. He's embarrassing. He won the first term as governer here due to the fact that his father had been president, and people are into nepotism 'round these parts. He won his second term (where he promised not to leave to run for president!) because people aren't really into change when things aren't going so bad in their own lives. His platform for the second term that he used in his commercials was extremely scary to me. "If you are a teenager and you are pregnant, get married. Everything will be okay" Really dumb, but that was his whole campaign.

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LEt me just say this. Kerry vs. Bush. I don't think either were particularly good cnatidates but I think Kerry was the better one. Personaly I don't think we have had an exceptionaly good president since the 70's. That is my two cents. It scares me though. It scares me to see where the government of this country is just pulling the wool over the eyes of the American public and flushing the country down the toilet. It scares me so bad. Gas prices sky rocket as people just sit back and say, well I guess I'll just believe everything our government says even though it sounds completly absurd. I am so scared that I still have such a long life to live on a world that is getting worse by the minutes and the people are just letting it happen.

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