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Albus Dumbledore

Domain Name Change Problems...

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Just a few minutes ago i tried to change my domain name to hogwartsmagic.net


i DO have the Name Servers pointed at Xisto

i DO have 15 credits to give up, i have 41.30 at the moment


And i get this error....


User Data Verfied Successfully!

Changing password..

This can take time...

Please be patient..(Do not hit Reload or Back). This can take a lot of time.. Please be very patient..



Domain Change Failed!

Now, i think this might be causeing the problem, but hogwartsmagic.net is allready hosted on another Xisto account (my friends) he once ranit but he is giving it to me...and so i want to change the domain to point my direction (meaning i want to be in full contorll of it with Cpanel)...


i was told that all i had to do was go to the https://support.xisto.com/ page and change MY domain...but maybe i need to do somthing to the current hogwartsmagic.net's domain (like terminate the account) before i can change it to my area??


and if not, then i dont know what im doing wrong and can an admin please do this for me >_<

Edited by Albus Dumbledore (see edit history)

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hope you remember our shoutbox discussion about this. :) still no luck with your friend dropping the domain from his cpanel so you can park it on yours? the waiting game continues...

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yeah i do remember the convorsation....and yeah still no luck with getting him to drop it....guess i have another bloody month before it gets terminated *sigh*

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