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Venting In General Lets use our brains here, people.

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The lack of thinking 'around here' is starting to get to me. And by around here, I mean at work, mainly, although I was tipped off by a thread title with a misspelling that always seems to get to me. "There," "their," and "they're" are three different words, with different meanings.. please use them correctly. "They're going down there to have their car fixed".. something like that.
Is it so hard to write and read simple things in the language you natively speak? Tonight at work, I had to explain to a girl who'd been working with us for five months now, which lights to turn off and leave on when the store closes. Now, this was her department, and not mine.. but even I know how to turn off the lights, because there are only four switches, all next to eachother, and they all have sticky notes above them, with arrows pointing down to the two you leave on, and the two you switch off. Not very hard to do.

Math also isn't hard to do. The odds of winning the lottery are so amazingly tiny that it blows my mind how regularly people 'invest' in this. I work at the service desk of a grocery store, which is, unfortunately, where we sell Powerball tickets. People come in, like clockwork, and buy ungodly amounts of these tickets a week. And then they get them on single tickets.. and come in and ask me to check literally 50 of those things (never mind the fact that we have a self-check machine mere footsteps away, and a neat little stack of printouts of the winning numbers). They're shocked when they win even one free ticket from the whole batch.. then they whip out a $50 and ask for more of 'em. I dont know how they can afford such a hobby @.@

And as far as affording things goes, cigarettes, oh the cigarettes. When someone comes in, cashes a child support check, buys a carton of cigarettes, then tells her kid, "No, we don't have the money for that cereal, stop asking".. I mean, jeeze.

The service desk isn't a good place to work, I suppose.. I get all the obessive gamblers and smokers that give me the creeps, the people who can't properly read sale signs, people in other departments that cannot do their own jobs properly... and random people who are angry at me for things I have no control over.

Chaa.. I could go on all night, but this is getting silly. Guess I'm just tired from working a darned 10am - 9:30pm shift XD;;
At least I dont have this bizarre disease, which my friend's mother seems to have picked up o.o;;;

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a lot of things in our world are sad, the people who get some sort of support from the government then go spend that on drugs (cigarettes included) booze or gambling. You should have to get a special card that acts like a credit card so the government can see what you are actually spending the money on.anyway it sounds like you hate your job, just like the millions of others like us theres not a lot you can do unless you can find a better job. and theres not much you can do about how others lead their lives. sucks doesn't it

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this reminds me of a nice thought on people like you've described a friend of mine had ... "Why do the thinking for them? Let's just remove the safety notes from everything and let the problem take care of itself..."

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this reminds me of a nice thought on people like you've described a friend of mine had ... "Why do the thinking for them? Let's just remove the safety notes from everything and let the problem take care of itself..."

Hehe.. yeah, some of those safety notes really need to go ;p

And Terminal.. ironicly, I really like my job, mostly.. my co-workers are great, and most of the customers are cheerful (as they call and ask if we have bananas in stock.. yes? Will we have some tomorrow? Yes? How about the day after? Okay, thank you ^^) (although since I just graduated from college, I'll have to find a new one soon). I feel bad about ranting, now XD;

By the way.. those new $10 bills o.o All my customers thought the new (colorful) $50's were pretty, and the $20's were neat.. but everyone keeps getting the new $10's and going, "Yuck.. that looks like Monopoly money, right there, if I ever saw some.. or maybe like someone had that thing hanging out by the outhouse a little too long" XD;
I told one guy they were super-pretty like a sunset, and he goes, "With an outlook like that, maybe you think my ol' head is pretty too, eh? ^.~"

..mostly, they're good people XD;

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this reminds me of a nice thought on people like you've described a friend of mine had ... "Why do the thinking for them? Let's just remove the safety notes from everything and let the problem take care of itself..."

The "Darwin" approach to solving the problem of stupid people doing stupid stuff. I like it.

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