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Albus Dumbledore

Everyone, Do Yourself And Your Relatives A Huge Favor!

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Well, as many people may know my grandfather passed away a month ago...and well it really sucks yeah, but everyone, please do yourself, and your family a huge favor, and a whole lot of trouble....with my grandpa, with his credit-cards and bank account etc....he had NOONE listed as a beneficary of his accounts (meaning if somthing were to happen to him noone could have made financal decisions because he is the only one who could controll his accounts), so..since noones listed as that his money will basicly be going to the state since noone can controll it....but there is a posative thing about it.you can go to court, and basicly prove that this person is dead, and letting the state give you access to their accounts..but this court thing will take about 4-5 months! and it can start to cost allot of money.so basicly, the purpose of this is to tell everyone to have someone you know and trust whether it be your kids, who are only 4 or they be your kids who are 34, have them listed on your accounts, crediit cards, your house etc...as a beneficary, because if somthing were to happen to you (generally death) they would have to go through a ton of trouble to get your stuff that you may want them to have.i know some people are probably saying "well thats what a will is for." and yes that is what a will is for, but int he will you are only saying _____gets this or _________gets everything...that is not granting them access to your bank accounts etc... but do also get a will made up, otherwise the state will just get everything you owned..because there are some people out there that dont know this stuff :lol:

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Well, as many people may know my grandfather passed away a month ago...and well it really sucks yeah, but everyone, please do yourself, and your family a huge favor, and a whole lot of trouble....with my grandpa, with his credit-cards and bank account etc....he had NOONE listed as a beneficary of his accounts (meaning if somthing were to happen to him noone could have made financal decisions because he is the only one who could controll his accounts), so..since noones listed as that his money will basicly be going to the state since noone can controll it....but there is a posative thing about it.

sorry to hear about your grandfather. that was good advice. i also wanted to add that a will is nice, but a living trust is a nice compliment to the will. some people aren't smart and not responsible for when they have already died. probably because it's hard for some people to even think about or consider their own death.

but you are right. if they don't want their money and assets squandered away, they need to take better care of what they worked hard all their life for and protect their assets after they pass.

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Oh i am very sorrythat yougrandpa died. the same things happened to me it was hard to get all the stuff ffrom them so be awared at ourt. luck

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