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Computinghost While Keeping Trap17?

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Is it possible to get paid hosting while keeping my free hosting, at least for a while? Also, is it possible to add my own site with SQL and all over to the paid hosting at a later date?

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You're allowed 1 free hosting account but you can have both Xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting.And if I understand your question right, you want to setup SQL now with Xisto and move to Xisto - Web Hosting? Yes as long as the relative path is something like "/folder/file_name" instead of "yoursite.trap17.com/folder/file_name" This will result in rebuilding of your database.

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as for having the free hosting and paid hosting, i am pretty posative tat they will not reeject the money that the will be getting as well as a member on the free-web-hosting forums, so the answer i would say would be you can have a paid hosting account as well as a free one...as for having your MySQL Databases and stuff moved over with all of the information intact, i have seen other places do that before, so i am pretty sure somehow they can move all of that over for you...

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I probably wasn't clear enough. Since I made the original post, my sister and I have purchased a plan at Xisto - Web Hosting for a website we have going together. I know that if I was to get paid hosting for the site I have now it could easily be moved over. What I am wondering now is if it is possible in the future to move my Xisto site to the space we just bought. I would probably have to manually backup and re-install my database on my own?

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I would probably have to manually backup and re-install my database on my own?

That is correct.

The simplest way is to use backup feature in Xisto cPanel. It will back up the things you don't need, but it's faster than downloading file by file from Xisto host to your local computer. That's why I've been a big advocate of having the exact mirror files in your local computer at all times.

This backing up goes the same for database. Simply back up and download the backed up file. Then, upload and unpack.

You do not need to have your Xisto - Web Hosting up and running immediately. As long as you are current with Xisto - Web Hosting billing cycle, you can have the hosting left as empty as you'd like.

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