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Lesbians Who Have Children

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As a woman who hopes one day to have a child and raise said child with another woman, I see nothing wrong with two people raising theur child together. Artificial insemination would not be "using" a man and it would give two women a child of their own, without having to adopt. It would still be genetically related to one woman, and could still share characteristics with the other, if they selected a donor with comparable body type and characteristics. I feel that two loving parents can raise a healthy normal child capable of making its own decision and growing up to be a capable adult, regardless of the gender of said parents. Single parents raise children all the time, both genders do not need to be present. And if a child needs a good role model of the opposite gender, I'm sure there would be a good friend willing to serve as "uncle" or "godfather" if a masculine influence is needed.

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I have heard a case a couple of weeks ago about two lesbians who used the sperm bank to make a baby. But just after one of them delivered the baby they split up and belive it or not it sued the men who donated the sperm to the sperm bank. And belive it or not she won! And now the men has to pay a monthly small fortune for beeing the biological father of the baby he didn't even know. I simply can't see who a relationship between the same sex can work.



If you were to try and sue someone cause the kidney they gave you kept passing stones, youd be laughed out of court...

besides they used the sperm bank, knowing they were going to get pregnant by a donor that they wouldnt meet... i say make the ex partner pay because its their kid.

He should claim She Raped him...
The Definition of RAPE:

Main Entry: rapeFunction: noun
1 : sexual intercourse with a woman by a man without her consent and chiefly by force or deception see STATUTORY RAPE
2 : unlawful sexual intercourse by force or threat other than by a man with a woman

Source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, Š 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.

Main Entry: rapeFunction: transitive verb
Inflected Forms: raped; rapˇing
: to commit rape on

Source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, Š 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.


vt. 1. To screw someone or something, violently; in
particular, to destroy a program or information irrecoverably.
Often used in describing file-system damage. "So-and-so was running
a program that did absolute disk I/O and ended up raping the master
directory." 2. To strip a piece of hardware for parts. 3.
[CMU/Pitt] To mass-copy files from an anonymous ftp site. "Last
night I raped Simtel's dskutl directory."

Source: Jargon File 4.2.0

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Edited by jlhaslip (see edit history)

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Arent there Bisexuals too? Maybe they like both, but are with a girl, so they call themselve lesbians... But does it really disturb anyone? Let everyone live like they want. As long it doesnt hurts you why bother... sorry dont understand the problemand Im hetero by the way

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Arent there Bisexuals too? Maybe they like both, but are with a girl, so they call themselve lesbians... But does it really disturb anyone? Let everyone live like they want. As long it doesnt hurts you why bother... sorry dont understand the problem
and Im hetero by the way

we're not sayin the homosexuality is wrong, just gays/lesbians who have kids and deprive them from seeing the other Biological parent.

As for adopting i think thats ok so long as the adopter is'nt a pedo...

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well I understood that, but its still their choice. Is it your problem? Do they hurt anyone? The child will not miss a father figure. It has two great parents who love em if im right. the child will be just fine if the parents explain at a young age why he has two women as parents: a mommy and a mommy-daddy. They can do dad things with him just as well when he would have a man as dad. Those children get used on the fact they grow up with two mommys. They will not be missing anything. I know because I asked my friend who has two mothers and he explained how they feel. Its normal for them. They dont know better

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Its normal for them. They dont know better

women in some countries get beaten just because they had an uncovered ankle, that is normal for them, they don't know better. THIS DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT

from my perspective I grew up without my father (because he left not coz my mum is gay) and I believe it had a serious influence not having him there.

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women in some countries get beaten just because they had an uncovered ankle, that is normal for them, they don't know better. THIS DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT
from my perspective I grew up without my father (because he left not coz my mum is gay) and I believe it had a serious influence not having him there.

Ofcourse you could have had or stille have problems with that, you missed a parent. But children with lesbian mothers have two parents right, I don't think they know better because they get love from two parents. Although there is no man in theire life, I do think they kind of live with it. Because they dont know better.

People who have a dad but didn't grew up with him, actually can have a serious influence not having him there, but thats because you know you have a dad, you miss something. Then it influence the child indeed I think.

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A parent not allowing their kid to see the other biological parent, is wrong. Its not about 2 women raising the child, its about one of them using someone else to get the child. If they are lesbians, and many are very against men, then why have a child by the mans sperm? Besides all this, why not just adopt because the parents of that kid never wanted them anyway, so you can give them parents, and you are not disallowing them to see their parents, because the parents themselves never wanted the baby. Besides that all, why create a new life with 1. a strange from a sperm bank 2. a friend, you will probably disown , when you can adopt a kid that is already born, who needs somebody. Besides i would think one of the lesbians who had the kid would use it as an advantage "well i gave birth to the kid, the kid is mine you have no control over him!". As for the bisexual remark, if one of the girls has a kid from a previous relationship with a male, and brings them into the 'lesbian' relationship, then i think the kid atleast has a right to see his/her father.

Edited by JasperIk (see edit history)

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A parent not allowing their kid to see the other biological parent, is wrong.

If it was a 'normal' heterosexual relationship and the father was a worthless, abusive drunk or something, it'd be reasonable for the mother to keep the child away from him. So where do you draw the line between whether or not he's a good enough parent for the kid to visit with? If they guy really wants rights, he can sue for visitation. And really, if the lesbian couple had a good enough male friend that they could get sperm from him, I'm pretty sure they'd keep him around as a friend who could be a good male influence for the child. And if they just got it from a sperm bank, I'm not sure the guy would want anything to do with the kid anyways. That thing about the lady suing the sperm doner was a rare and silly case.. like people suing McDonalds because it makes them overweight. That's not the norm, it wont happen often, and one stupid person going sue-happy should not be a means to restrict the rights of everyone else.
Also.. a child growing up without a same-sex parent, or in most any other family structures, isn't going to make them gay. I'm a girl, and I was raised with just my dad and brother.. two guys.. and I'm certainly not a lesbian. Friendly teachers and neighbors were good enough 'mother figures', I suppose, because I turned out fine. And a lot of the homosexual people I know are from 'normal' heterosexual couples (and half the time the parents don't even seem to approve of their homosexual child).. someone already said, if you became gay because you have gay parents, no one would be gay in the first place.

People should really mind their own business and leave people alone if they're not doing anyone any harm.. jeeze.

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