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Albus Dumbledore

The New Pledge Of Allegiance For the man that wants Under God taken out

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i thought this was rather funny, and some-what true! take a look.


Since the Pledge of Allegiance




The Lord's Prayer


are not allowed in most

public schools anymore


Because the word "God" is mentioned....


A kid in Arizona wrote the attached





I liked it....



Now I sit me down in school


Where praying is against the rule


For this great nation under God


Finds mention of Him very odd.



If Scripture now the class recites,


It violates the Bill of Rights.


And anytime my head I bow


Becomes a Federal matter now.




Our hair can be purple, orange or green,


That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.


The law is specific, the law is precise.


Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.




For praying in a public hall


Might offend someone with no faith at all.


In silence alone we must meditate,


God's name is prohibited by the state.





We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,


And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.


They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.


To quote the Good Book makes me liable.




We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,


And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.


It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong,


We're taught that such "judgments" do not belong.




We can get our condoms and birth controls,


Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.


But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,


No word of God must reach this crowd.





It's scary here I must confess,


When chaos reigns the school's a mess.


So, Lord, this silent plea I make:


Should I be shot; My soul please take!



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Sadly, this version of "Pledge of Allegiance" mostly speaks of the truth. I don't understand why the word of God must not reach other people? Okay, you already rejected God, but do you have to deny his name? In my area, religious candy was banned during Valentines Day. To me, that's the ridiculous. What do you think?

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religious candy banned during valintines day?? pft....i do believe in god..and no offense but i dont care for religions that run peoples lives like that...for instance some religions i think it is cathloic cannot read or do anything about Harry Potter because the pope believes it is turning good little children to the devill..but anyways i still think it is sad that he dos not want "Under God" Put in it...if he does not want "Under God" in it, i suppose that he wont want to touch money ever again...because it says God on there....

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religious candy banned during valintines day?? pft....i do believe in god..and no offense but i dont care for religions that run peoples lives like that...for instance some religions i think it is cathloic cannot read or do anything about Harry Potter because the pope believes it is turning good little children to the devill..but anyways i still think it is sad that he dos not want "Under God" Put in it...if he does not want "Under God" in it, i suppose that he wont want to touch money ever again...because it says God on there....

I know, this world, or *cough*US*cough* (in my opinion, no offense, I live here too though) is getting more corrupt by God's standard. Who cares if there is "Under God" in a sentence. To me, these people have nothing to do, but cause trouble. They have too much time on their hands. They need to stop making such weird rules. It doesn't matter if you believe or don't believe in God, you don't have to be so "neglectant".

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I agree too. Like that random e-mail you get from a friend that they got from their friend and so on about the Pepsi company. It says: Since the Pepsi company made a Pledge of Allegence can "casually" leaving out the words "under God" in the graphics it seems they won't mind when we don't "remember" to give them their money with the exact same words on it... Some people just have way too much time to go and protest the such... We wonder about the poverty situation but do they petition about that? I think not...

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I totally agree with this poem...I don't see why there is such a problem with the word "God" in schools...It's on our money, it's in our pledge, our founding fathers believed in him...So whats the deal? I don't see them banning other religions from school, they could care less...It seems like most people around where I'm at are Christians anyways. Oh and this was supposedly written by a 15 year old in Arizona (:

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This little poem was written by an extremely ignorant fifteen-year-oldStudent in Arizona.I don?t even know where to start with this. The dumb kid makes it soundLike America has made religion completely illegal. I mean, at the end,He talks about getting shot! What does he imagine he?s going to getShot for? Praying in public? Does he think that if he starts readingThe Bible on a park bench in West Virginia, agents employed by theUnited States government will leap out from the bushes behind him andBlow his head off with a bazooka? I mean, really!?Now I sit me down in school, where praying is against the rule.? Um,What? Is he even remotely familiar with the laws of this country? It?sNot ?against the rule? for anyone to pray in school. You simply cannotLead everyone else in the same prayer to your same deity ? in a publicSchool, that is. If you?re really that concerned about having all ofYour classmates pray the same prayer with you, you could always go to aReligious school.?For this great nation under God?? No. This is not a ?nation underGod.? This is a nation founded on freedom of religion and theSeparation of church and state. What is your problem??And anytime my head I bow, becomes a Federal matter now.? No, it does not. Bow all you want. No one?s going to stop you. ?The law is specific, the law is precise. Prayers spoken aloud are aSerious vice.? No, they are not. Whoever wrote this was seriouslyMisinformed. ?They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.? The Bible is not outlawed. ?Ten Commandments are not allowed. No word of God must reach thisCrowd.? Shut up! The Ten Commandments are allowed. You can plaster them all over your car. You can carve them into the roof of your house. You can tattoo them on your forehead. Just don?t try to get them inscribedOn the walls of your public school, dumbass!I can't believe I just wasted my time reading such utter nonsense. And furthermore, I cannot believe the idiots who commented on this saying positive things about it. Are you really that dumb? Can you honestly not see the skewed logic and complete distortion of truth that influenced the making of this poor, misguided teen's poem? What is wrong with you? "Sadly, this version of 'Pledge of Allegiance' mostly speaks of the truth." Wow. Go educate yourself. Please.

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“For this great nation under God…” No. This is not a “nation under God.” This is a nation founded on freedom of religion and the Separation of church and state. What is your problem?




Go educate yourself. Please.

Although Mr. Anonymous may never read this post of mine, i feel a (slight) correction is due here regardless. Disregarding the assumed definition of what the term "founded" means, we'll head straight into the Declaration of Independence, as it seems to be the most perfect place to start. But first we'll start by introducing the main, dominant writer of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson was the one who wrote to the Danbury Baptists to assure them that the Establishment Clause was beneficial to them. Separation of Church and State means that the State is not allowed to speak or act against the beliefs of the Church. It does not in any way mean that there cannot be any mention of God or religious principles, et cetera, within State documents—that is, so long as it is not part of a law that restricts things to those religious beliefs. But let us now enter the Declaration of Independence to see whether or not it implies a nation under God.


When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

To touch slightly on what perhaps is meant by "Laws of Nature," looking back on the letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptists, insight is provided on what could be meant by "Laws of Nature," as in it is mentions "natural rights." But, moving on to the mention of a God, "Nature" here is implied to be created since an Owner is declared. However, this part alone cannot show whether or not this God is personal, but it does provide a little information that the nations (yeah, plural—powers of the earth) are under God due to the rights given to them by Nature's God. But in the next part this becomes more clear.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Interestingly enough, this part starts off by making a statement that says that it is obvious that there is a Creator and that this Creator created humans equally with unalienable rights. Since this Creator endowed these absolute rights onto man, that means this Creator mentioned in the Declaration of Independence is a personal God. It also means that this nation is under God, for this God obviously has more authority than the nation itself, as the nation received its authority from the Creator, to which we are to use as judgment for how to govern, as mentioned here:

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

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