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Web/ftp Stats Not Enabled In My Cpanel

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The Web/FTP Stats feature is not turned on for my domain eTailCanada.ca.


Error: Couldn't open config file "awstats.etailcanada.ca.conf" nor "awstats.conf" after searching in path ".,/home/etailca/tmp/awstats/,/etc/opt/awstats,/etc/awstats,/etc,/usr/local/etc/awstats": No such file or directory- Did you use the correct URL ?Example: http://localhost/awstats/awstats.pl?config=mysiteExample: Did you create your config file 'awstats.etailcanada.ca.conf' ?If not, you can run "./../../tools/awstats_configure.pl" from command line, or create it manually.Check config file, permissions and AWStats documentation (in 'docs' directory).

And the ANALOG and Webalizer Stats dont wotk (says there have been none recorded yet)

Please advise ASAP again,

Edited by Paul (see edit history)

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i forgot to mention that you should include your cpanel info...ex...http://ww38.yoursite.com/cpanel and your cpanel username..not the password though...

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To begin with, the Web stats on the cpanel are listed under three different services. I have had the best results from the second, or middle one, Awstats. Sign-on to your cpanel, scroll down to the Analysis and Log File section, click on Web/ftp Stats, click on the picture of the Awstats and the results should be available. Check at the top of the page for the 'Last Run Time', keeping in mind that the stated time is GMT (I think), so there will be an adjustment to your timezone. If the stats are not current, click on the 'Update Now' to have the results produced.
Also, there is a bunch of data available in the Log files. Is that working for you? Be careful, that can be a fairly large file, so it may take a minute to process.
There is a Cpanel Tutorial in the Xisto Readme. Please review that. It may have some answers for you there?
If this method fails for you, for some reason, here is a link to the best source for correcting the Technical Difficulties of your Xisto - Web Hosting Account.
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As I replied in this posting, Previous enquiry, we are here in an advisory capacity to try to assist you on Web Hosting questions such as " How do I ... ", or " Can someone explain ... ". The real Server Support is given at the link posted in the pinned topic.
There is more than enough experience floating around this Forum to receive answers to you Hosting questions, but the actual Hardware and Software set-up and support is done through the Support link above.

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Hi,We have edited your theme files and you should now be able to see and generate stats.If you are still facing problems, kindly email support at Xisto - Web Hosting dot com. Thanks.

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To begin with, the Web stats on the cpanel are listed under three different services. I have had the best results from the second, or middle one, Awstats. Sign-on to your cpanel, scroll down to the Analysis and Log File section, click on Web/ftp Stats, click on the picture of the Awstats and the results should be available.

Thanks for the response but the problem was that Web/ftp Stats was not even listed under Analysis and Log File section , so i needed an admin to add this feature to the cPanel.


Error: Couldn't open config file "awstats.etailcanada.ca.conf" nor "awstats.conf" after searching in path ".,/home/etailca/tmp/awstats/,/etc/opt/awstats,/etc/awstats,/etc,/usr/local/etc/awstats": No such file or directory

- Did you use the correct URL ?
Example: LOCALHOST/awstats/awstats.pl?config=mysite
Example: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
- Did you create your config file 'awstats.etailcanada.ca.conf' ?
If not, you can run "./../../tools/awstats_configure.pl" from command line, or create it manually.


Check config file, permissions and AWStats documentation (in 'docs' directory).
Edited by Paul (see edit history)

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Please submit a support ticket to support at Xisto - Web Hosting dot comAnd give your Cpanel username and password. So that we can check it ourself and make changes.Thanks for your time :(

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