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What Is An "easter Egg"?

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What is an "Easter Egg"?


In the context of software (get that Cadbury Bunny out of your head!), an Easter Egg is a hidden feature or novelty that the programmers have put in their software. In general, it is any hidden, entertaining thing that a creator hides in their creation only for their own personal reasons. This can be anything from a hidden list of the developers, to hidden commands, to jokes, to funny animations. You'd be surprised just how many things contain Easter Eggs... just look at the list that has accumulated here!

A true Easter Egg must satisfy the following criteria:

Undocumented, Hidden, and Non-Obvious

An Easter Egg can't be a legitimate feature of a product, or be an obvious part of a storyline. Easter Eggs will usually stand out either because they totally don't fit with their context (like a pinball game in a word processor), or because they have a deeper hidden personal meaning to the creators, so they threw it in for entertainment.


Every user with the same product or combination of products must be able to produce the same result given the instructions. If others can't reproduce an Egg, then it doesn't belong in this archive.

Put There by the Creators for Personal Reasons

The Egg must have been put there on purpose, and furthermore have a personal significance to the creators beyond just making a better product (movie, TV show, software program, etc).

Not Malicious

Easter Eggs are there for fun, not to do damage.


The most important element... if it's not there for entertainment, it's not an Egg.


Notice from KuBi:
Copied from; http://s23.org/wiki/Easter_Egg without quote tags. When copying from another source please use
tags. Verbal warning.

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So far, I think the best easter egg that I have found are the ones on the Extended versions of The Lord of the Rings. The easter egg on each of the three movies have an amuzing video. If you have the the extended versions, you should check them out.....Go to the chapter selection, then go away to the last chapter. Once at the last chapter, you'll be able to go down once more and then press enter. Enjoy :lol:I like easter eggs, they are usually fun extra's or cheats.... I have done some programming myself and it is fun to add an eater egg here and there.

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Easter Eggs, I tend to put easter eggs on particular pictures or portfolios I happen to be doing at the time. Also like the easter eggs that jazz up a particular website, even if its a ISP for instance.In life though.. it's all about the choccy and any extras that comes inside it :lol:

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