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Partial Birth Abortion Its Legalization

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Please tell your friend to watch a video or look at pictures of an aborted baby before she makes her decision. She has the option of adoption. At least she will know in heart that she gave the child a chance to live. God created man in His own image. Jesus said let no man harm the children for such as these will inherit the kingdom of heaven, if any man should harm these they would rather have a weight tied around their neck and cast into the depths of the ocean than to have My wrath upon them. Please tell your friend not to abort this baby. She has other choices in which she can live with and have no regrets.

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Since when is ripping a baby from the womb, cutting its head open with a pair of scissors and sucking its brain out not a big issue? Have any of you people ever watched a video or looked at pictures of these innocent babies being murdered? How bout if we let the innocent live and kill the offender?

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I am saddened and heavy hearted at the comments I have read here tonight. To think that our own race looks at an unborn baby, something all of us once was, as a thing or a mass of cells. To disregard the sanctity of what that life means and represents is an all time low for America. Instead of trying to figure out what is the best way to abort the baby, how bout if we focused on taking responsibilty for our own actions? How bout if we stop having sex outside of the guidelines that our Creator made for us. This is exactly why He had to make them because He knew we would be to sinful to do the right thing. Such a shame that over half of America is blinded and separated from the Father. The blood of these babies are on the hands of all who support abortion in any form or fashion. God have mercy on you. Please stop killing our children.

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Replying to Blacklaser

that is where you are wrong! I AM PRO LIFE the moment of conception is to late to abort a baby. If you don't want a baby then you need to keep your legs closed and your pants up. Don't lay and play then say it was a mistake,if you are old enough to have sex then you are old enough to take responsibility for your actions and buck up and be a woman (or a man in some cases) and say you know what I was wwrong and should not have had sex but God granted me the mircle of this child living and growing inside of me and I'm going to take it like a woman and live this child and nourish him/her and give them the SAME chance at life that I had. Your mama didnt abort you so why take this babys life before it even gets to take her first shot at life? You didnt create this life so what makes you think you have the right to takes this babys life? You have absolutly no right to. God gave us the breath we breathe and the life we live and only God can take it away if he chooses to. Any excuse you can think of to have an abortion is not good enough to kill your own flesh and blood!

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Living with the consiquencesPartial Birth Abortion

Well I have been at this point in my life before and let me tell you it is a hard decision to even think about, never mind make. Maybe thats just me?

Well after going to the hospital and taking the tablet I felt that I was doing right in what I wanted, although it felt very wrong also.

My decision was made as this pregnancy was not planned and even though I have a partner, whom I have been together for 6 years, I felt like this baby was imposed on me as I had not planned to get pregnant. Once again my fault as I could of used contraceptive!

I went back to the hospital 2 days later to finish the "procedure" and a scan was done, the baby still had a heart beat!

After this I could not do it, I could not carry on and murder this child, my child at the end of the day no matter how much I didn't like it. I continued to dislike this child up untill the 5th month mark, felt I still didn't want it and had thoughts of giving it away.

Well to cut a long story short...I gave birth to this child, my child. She was the most beautiful baby girl I had ever seen, perfect in every way. I really can't understand why I didn't want her, maybe the feeling of having something pushed on me and having no control over it? I felt that abortion was my "control"

Now...I'm really happy I had my baby, I love my daughter very much and I know she loves me. She makes my days bright and happy, she is a perfect little soul. I really couldn't imagine my life without her, and I would go to hell and back to keep her safe.

 -reply by catty

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The problem is that abortion is not being used in extreme cases such as rape but instead it is being used as birth control.  We have become a nation of selfish individuals.  We would rather kill a child then have it interrupt our lives.  Here is a novice idea, why don't we take precautions before the fact, a condom maybe.  Abortion should never be used for birth control!  

-reply by Danielle

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