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Well first of all this with this topic I want to make like a little community of tech-fans so here we can post what we know about technology maybe some other things like anime.Second thing it's to post something new I'll try to put all that I know so I hope this forum help you.Now I'll ask somethings to you:- Which is the best webbrowser??? ( for me it's mozilla firefox)- Wich next generation console it's the best for you?? (ps3, x-box 360, nintendo revolution)- Wich it's the best software for edit images and create layouts???

Notice from BuffaloHELP:
Spelling is important especially for a topic title.
Edited by BuffaloHELP (see edit history)

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this was a sorta dumb thread. was this just for points?ill answer your questions but this whole section of the forum (Technology) is for this stuff. you can't put it in one thread.browser = firefoxgeneration consol = ps3software for images? = photoshop.

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Putting in quotes for safety :lol:

browser = Firefoxnext-gen console = PS3 or Nintendo Revolution (having a fight over the two)
software for images = Macromedia Fireworks 8

http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ <--more schematics than spudguns.trap17.com !!! LOL!
Edited by Borghunter (see edit history)

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browser = firefoxgeneration console = ps3
software for images= = photoshop.

Nailed it right on the head. But Fireworks does put up good competition. And Opera for firefox. But ps3 is really the console winner. Fireworks has good userfriendliness, but if you are an expert at either, photoshop beats it out. And Opera and Firefox are very similiar, although I am a big firefox advocate.

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Please, only one discussion per topic. This prevents from hijacking a particular thread and focus on one solid discussion at a time. And if you took the time to search the forum, you would have found all your three discussion materials have been started way before.


Search the forum please!


The web browser topics

IE, Mozilla, Netscape or Opera?

Netscape better than IE and Firefox?

IE vs. Mozilla Firefox

Console topic

Which console do you like better?

Xbox 360 vx. Playstation 3

Image editing topic

Picture editing

Which is the best graphics program?

etc, etc...


Topic closed.

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