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Wassie Less Active you probably allready notticed :P

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hello mates :P,


as you probably notticed, i'm not really active latley...

I dont really got a good reason for that, its just that i dont really have the feeling like i did befor, about Xisto that is. A while back i checked Xisto everyday... multiple times even. But latley i'm not really feeling that anymore...

But that isn't the only reason... i found out that due my computer i spend less time with my friends, and i dont want to get isolated like my lil bro (he plays world of warcraft like a mad man ;)). I was notticing that friends presumed that i didn't want to go to town, cause i was computering and stuff... and i dont want that. I want my social life to continue.

kinda strange, i have the feeling that i wasn't away from Xisto for so long... But i see i have a negative credit of -17 :lol: and i have 85 pm's :P. So maybe i was really inactive. But i did nottice that OpaQue made me moderator, but i fully understand that.

As you maybe know i do a school where i learn everything about animating/3d modeling/film/audio/websites/ect. And i find this really intresting thats why i also practice these programs at home just to improve my skills in those things. So if you maybe could understand is like when i'm making a complex 3d building or something i like to finish it. So when i come back from school, and i sit down behind the computer, i will go ahead and make the building a bit further, those needs i experience much more, i dont really am such a man who types all day. I see myself a bit more like a designer... (i'm very proud of myself making such a long topic :P). I'm trying to learn alot of 3d studio max. I made this stupid character yesterday:

Posted Image

Looks funny, but you probably see that his hand is wrong :(.

Latley i'm also playing Americas army (a online shooter) active. I'm in a clan now, and its going really good. So my spare time i usually like to game with my friends, just for my social life, and to gain skills in that game. That is also a reason for me being inactive on Xisto.

Kinda funny now i think about it, sometimes we are bored at school, or we just dont want to work for school :P. And we just go and game in the classroom. This is exually not allowed. So its really funny to see a class room full of people and playing like unreal tournament or something. And screaming and cursing about the game, and then if a teatcher walks into the classroom everybody hits alt+f4 and everybody is really quiet.

This is maybe really stupid to say, but i'm always looking forward to go to school again, cause i allways have the best fun ever. Never thought something like that could come out of my mouth :P.

At my school cause we also have audio. You have a record booth. You know those things in the inside you have like foam so there is less noise from outside. Well if we are bored we sometimes make rap music in that booth. That is really funny cause we really cant rap :P. Here is a song we made about a singer cald bob (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) we saw him also on that website and we just thought we will rap about him. The rap is exually dutch, so you might not understand that. But its still funny!

here it is:


This is a song singed by me and 3 friends of mine... we are called "Baldadig". That is also dutch :P.

That is exually the only real song we made... and we are kinda famouse in our school allready. So maybe we go further with that. Would be fun... Cause there is this other guy at our school who made allot more rapsongs also about nothing :P. And he exually is preforming on stage at a school party. He invited us also to come :P. We didnt do that cause we want some more songs befor we do something like that. Exually yesterday i had a school party... it was really funny... it was a masked ball. Here is my mask:

Posted Image

Everybody thought it was one of the best masks at the party :D. Only minor thing was that you could hardly see anything trew it. So i exually fell on the ground a have a sour thumb at the moment, and i walked against a smokemachine and it was really hot, so now i have a burned spot on my leg :(. But it was a really cool party ;).


Poeh, i donno what to type more... i just want to appologise for beeing inactive... But i wont be so active anymore... i hope i could stay moderator... so people dont think of me that i'm a ordenary member... cause i'm with Xisto for such a long time :D.

But dont worry! I will come on the forum! but maybe not 4 times a day, if you know what i mean. So i will try to be a bit more active... But that is going to be hard this week cause we have "Carnaval" at the moment. That is 4 days, and it consists of dressing crazy, and drink to much and just party... Really cool exually :P. This year i'm going dressed as Orange... Not the thing you can eat but the color :P. And monday i go on vacation... i'm going to Austria. I'm going to party there on and also ski a bit :P.


Anyway, i will try to more active now ;).




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wassie I know what you mean i recently became active again on forums take your time and it will come back to you again.

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Not that my doing so is of any consequence to these forums, but I was inactive as well for a while. I had originally joined here to get webhosting for an Ultima Online server. I didn't really care much about the community, I just wanted the hosting. So, I made my posts and got my hosting. I had the hosting for a little while but I ended up leaving the Ultima Online server for personal reasons. So, I decided I didn't need the hosting anymore and cancelled the account. After that I just kind of stopped caring about the forums altogether.Then the other day I got bored and I started posting again. I messaged an Admin for a name change (on direction from a moderator heh I didnt message the admin first =P ) and I received that quite quickly. In just the last two days I've realized how much I actually enjoy the community (and not just the hosting). So I'm going to apply for hosting again but to prove that I'm still here for the community, and not just for the free hosting, I'm going to wait until I have 100 pts before I apply. I've actually starting making "posts" instead of just a bunch of words collected together that are necessary to get points. I plan to stick around here for quite some time now.

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I think a lesson in life has been learnt here, "All things in moderation." We all sometimes get so engrossed in one particular thing that we forget about other things in our life, such as our friends (and family). Good to see you back wassie. :lol:

So I'm going to apply for hosting again but to prove that I'm still here for the community, and not just for the free hosting, I'm going to wait until I have 100 pts before I apply.

Zythrix, just remember that when you finally do apply, your hosting credits will go down to 2, regardless of how many credits above what is needed for your hosting you have. Therefore, while waiting until you have 100 credits before you apply may show your commitment, be prepared to lose the majority of them. Just thought I'd give you warning so you don't get a shock at losing all those credits. :P Edited by Avalon (see edit history)

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