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I Wanted To Go See Brokeback Mountain. The respone I got from a classmate?

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In my english class, a discussion about movies was brought up, about what movies we wanted to go see.


I simply said I wanted to go see Brokeback Mountain. Immediately, another guy in my class informs me that the movie is about two gay cowboys, which I knew already. I told him (and the whole class) that it's a different from most romance movies, not because the fact that they are gay, but because it would most likely involve prejudice.


I knew I had broke him down at this point, and all he could say was, "But then you'll be supporting gay people, dude."


That had to be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard in my life. Just because people have different sexuality, means that it isn't right? If two men or two woman in love, there is nothing wrong with it.


I pointed out to him that he's always talking about "Lesbians are awesome." Then he says, "That's different!"


How so? I know what he means, but that's pretty stupid. It's almost a reaction for most straight guys to be againt homosexualism(I'm pretty sure that's a word), but I'm fine with it. It also upsets me how if two guys are kissing in public, they can be arrested. But when a man and a woman kiss in public, nobody gives a rat's **bottom**. Some people are just too ignorant.


But that's my opinion.

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Sadly that's how a lot of people are... it's just like racism; people are afraid of things they don't understand, homosexuality is no different. Having said that, I'm not rushing out to see Brokeback Mountain. Not because I think homosexuality is strange and immoral, the movie just doesn't look all that entertaining. I think I'll wait until it hits Blockbuster! Two guys can get arrested if they kiss in public? What!? What a sad... sad world we live in.

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Another reason a lot of people shun homosexuality is because it's against religion. Even though your friend, or any other homophobe, may not be religious it's the fact that past generations, who have been brought up on strict religion, have always been taught that homosexuality is wrong and not God's will. I'm guessing these ways have passed down through the generations and even though a person isn't the religious type they still hold some predujice that their forefathers have been taught.That's my theory anyway

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it is unfortunate in todays society when you come across immature people like this who are afraid of homosexuality but "love" lesbians. These people may be affected by religion, but most people pick up things like this from their parents (I must say I'm more tolerant than my parents tho).Do you mind if I ask what age group you and your friends fall into? And also where you are from. I'm 23 myself, from sydney, which is a pretty tolerant place most of the time. I say "if it doesn't hurt me, whats the problem?"

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Argh I hate that opinion... why do guys always think lesbians are cool and gay guys are gross? Seriously whats the difference?I hope to see this movie as well plus it has 2 hot guys in it WOO! :huh:Hopefully your classmates grow up and realise not everyone is the same... some people are individual

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Argh I hate that opinion... why do guys always think lesbians are cool and gay guys are gross? Seriously whats the difference?

Heh.. that's something that bothers me too XD; It should be one or the other... when someone says something like that, it kinda makes me disregard everything else they have to say. ^^;
Actually, I can't say that I've heard of this movie... sounds kind of interesting o.o
Even so, I don't imagine I'll watch it.. I dont have time for stuff like this XD;

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Well, I think the reason behind the double standards is that most of us learn about lesbianism from the mass media, which have the tendency to portray lesbianism as something very pleasing to the eyes (particularly to men). They make you to belief that lesbianism is an FFM situation without the man. That?s exactly how porn movies portray lesbianism. Also, the female body is more beautiful then the male body (please pardon my prejudice), making lesbianism more awesome.Back to brokeback mountain. I think that the movie is particularly weak at depicting homosexuality. The main problem with the homosexual relationship in the movie is that both characters are too muscular, a cowboy and a man who would throw down his gloves impulsively while homos unusually work with one of the two being more feminine. The script writers (there are two) seemed to have intended to make Jack the more feminine character, with the first shot showing him shaving meticulously in front of the car mirror. However, by portraying him being the conqueror of cows, and a father who got crossed with his father-in-law who insisted on football TV live show being turned on and challenged him with a fight, the plot went out of balance.Therefore, I don?t think brokeback mountain is accurate at telling a story about the day, which is the same problem with movies with the lesbians. I won?t recommend the film.

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I tried explaining to my boyfriend that Brokeback Mountain isn't a film that focuses on the 'gayness' of it all. To me the fact that the characters were gay was sort of like a background factor, it was more about love and a relationship and it's effect on them and it's effects on all the other characters in the film and as you rightly said, about prejudice. However, he still said he didn't want to see it. When i came out of the cinema, i didn't think it had had much of an effect on me, but i found myself thinking about it for the next few days, because to me, it portrayed how love should be and how they could have had a perfect life if it wasn't for the way that society was run.Just ignore him, it sounds like you argued your point pretty well. People won't understand til they've seen it.

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way back when in the days I was in high school, I was in this experimental English class where they attempted to see what would happen if they had 15 year olds debate hot button issues. It really didn't work out well at all, everyone in the class would all pick one side and I remember being the only one with an opposing opinion but I was too afraid to talk. This was most apparrent on the issue of homosexuality. NOBODY wanted to be on the "there's nothing wrong with it" side of the debate. When it came time to write our essays, I decided to spill my guts on the subject pretty much saying, "I don't see the problem with homosexuality, and I am sure that there are others in this class who must feel the same. I'm sure the peer pressure and need to fit in as well as the fear of being labled gay kept everyone from arguing on that side of the debate."The teacher read it out to the class without giving out my name, and it was met by a giant "nuh uh!" But it's how I feel, even now, so many years later with homosexuality getting more attention in mainstream entertainment, most high school students are afraid to speak out about these sorts of things.In the end, I sort of told one of my friends that I had written the essay and the next day more people than usual wanted nothing to do with me. :huh:

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Why do some people get like this. It is just a movie! Even if you yourself were supportings people who have different ways of life there is nothing wrong with that. Your classmates should not judge people before they meet them. Besides that, being a movie the people in that movie might not even live a different life style from everyone else. Its not really a big deal and that kid should realize that.

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Religion is one of the reasons why homosexuality is a taboo issue even now. It is somehow deemed immoral if two people of the same sex are in a sexual relationship. I am a Catholic and from what I see, homosexual relationships are somewhat more accepted now unlike before. I still have mixed opinions about it since there are still some things that gross me out (shorry) regarding what people do.

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Yeah this is a hard and tough question which i discuseed millions of times...Well my opinion is that they can live the same as any other "straight" human being, but this is not NATURAL! If everybody was gay, the civilization would end in a single generation! So this is the only thing that i sort of don't like about the whole homosexuality stuff...then there is another aspect of it...difference between lesbians and 2 guys - in our society it looks more natural that two women are together than two men and this is i think also because women have loots of emotional needs which men "at leas in majority" have less & two women understand each other in this emotional way...Well I also heard of a theory and i think it is quite interesting - that nature found the way to stop the population from growing and is therefore "giving" us more gay-children because they will not reproduce succesfully! This is very interesting IMO and this can also explain bird flue in a way, because birds and other animals are tortured each and every day by us, so they somehow invent or make viruses like that so they defend themselves against ppl by tryin to lower their numbers...I know that these are just theories, but i believe in them just as much as believe in scientist who invent something new each and every day and quite often even say something they claimed to be different the previous day...I dunno...gay ppl can exist as long as they do not harass "normal" ppl who do not want to see them having sex in public lets say...if they act normal and are gay in private life that doesn't bother me at all, but if they are some sort of gay-playas that bothers me and this is not ok IMO...greetz

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on with the sexuality thing again, i could go on for ages about this but im just going to make it short...it was a freaking movie! why in the heck does it matter if someone wants to see a movie about two gay cowboys.......and even if they do is it any of the other peoples buisness to wonder why you want to see a movie with two people that are gay? just because you wanted to see the movie didn't mean you were supporting the gay community, you might have just been interested in what happened in the movie. i personally havent heard of it >_< you probably threw him off balance once you included the word homosexualism, too long of a word for him.as for the fact of guys kissing in public being illegal but girls not being illegal..i could rant for hours on end...but i just think it is bull manure, that people have a problem with the way that other people feel about other people, i mean if they love eachother and will support eachother like a husband and wife does..then shut up and leave them alone..lol and just so you know, this is super short compared to how long i could have made this post, but i hope you got to go see the movie...

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