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Hosting Part Of A File?

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You would have to crop it (edit it) to change the size but ya you could do part of it. You could cut it into two or three parts and save each of them as different parts but you would have to do it unless someone knows of a program that can help you out.

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I was wondering if it is at all possible to upload only part of a file for hosting. I have a video I want to host but the size of the video is too big. Is there any way I can host only a portion of the video file?

You can't 'elect' to only upload a part of a file. This sitiaution depends if you have a specfic part of the video you want to upload, or just want to split it into smaller parts to upload/download.

If your wanting to upload a specfic part, then you will have to do as Plenoptic said, and crop the video down to that part.

On the other hand, you could just split the file up into many parts, ie. part one, two, three.. etc. and that is down simply by using a program, just Google search. WARNING: Using a shareware may, leave a 'corporate logo' watermark on your video. Just try different ones until your happy, im sure many here could help you out.

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