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Want To Switch Domains Not sure about what to do

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I got some of those free .info domains from 1&1, and want to set it up for use with my hosting account. I already pointed the domains to the Xisto nameservers (ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com - are these correct?) and will use one of them as an addon domain. I understand I either have to request a domain change, or spend an additional 5 credits to do this instantly, while in the meantime, the domains aren't even registered, so I don't want to lose acces to my site while they wait for registration. Does anyone have a step-by-step guide to changing domains, as well as using the addon domain feature in cPanel?


Here's what I currently see (at 7:54 PM; the confirmation email was recieved at 5:48 PM):

Posted Image


Edit: I have more than enough credits to complete this.

Edited by michaelper22 (see edit history)

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Just add a parked domain, and the domain will be pointed at your site, meaning you can send mail with it etc. Just click on "Parked Domains" in Cpanel, and add them.

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I did that last night (within a few hours of getting the domains) for one of them, and it worked like a charm. Now I need to do the other domain, which is my real domain. I will submit a request (not goo ahead and do it immediatley) so that I can have a chance at saving 5 credits.Grrrr, I changed my domain, and now my whole site is screwed up. If you go to my blog (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/), you will see my blog, but no template. If you try to click a link in the blog, the URL it will go to is under my old subdomain (busstop.trap17.com, which no longer exists), and you will get a host unresolved error from your browser. Where does WordPress keep that info (aside from the wp_options table in the database, if any other location)? I edited the records in the wp_options table, and I still don't have proper display. Everything is being referenced by my subdomain, which is incorrect and doesn't exist. I need a solution and fast, before Goolgebot gets to my site!! :)Edit: I should have made the new domain an addon domain; this would have saved a million hours worth of headaches. :rolleyes:

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This is not the Vent section nor is related to this topic.However, you have to manually go back and change or adjust those links since you initially placed as busstop.trap17.com. It is something you have to labor instead of wishing that it changes automatically :rolleyes: It's a simple URL link edit. Don't fret it.All your table and format will return to normal once you replace busstop.trap17.com with your current URL OR just use the / or ../ or folder/ etc.

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However, you have to manually go back and change or adjust those links since you initially placed as busstop.trap17.com. It is something you have to labor instead of wishing that it changes automatically :rolleyes:It's a simple URL link edit. Don't fret it.


All your table and format will return to normal once you replace busstop.trap17.com with your current URL OR just use the / or ../ or folder/ etc.


WordPress keeps all of this in the MySQL database. I can't simply change the link locations to my new domain. I tried replacing busstop.trap17.com with my new domain in the database (in the wp_options table). However, I still see the plain look on my blog, and the links still reflect that of my subdomain. Would my best try be to switch back to my subdomain and use nyceducated.info as an adon domain, in whcih case everything should work?

Update: For some weird reason, after I looked at my blog, everything was looking mighty fine. All I had to do was change .htaccess1 back to .htaccess (I renamed it while I spent a few hours trying to figure out how I could fix it) and the permalinks worked properly.

Edited by michaelper22 (see edit history)

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