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Decode Md5 how to decode Md5. - Md5 Decode

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Is there any way to decode MD5? Or mayby some algorithm, which checks all combination ;pp (... and it doesn't last months)Is Decoding MD5 possible ?

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Is there any way to decode MD5? Or mayby some algorithm, which checks all combination ;pp (... and it doesn't last months)

simple answer

NO there is non


you can make the possible pass list samller

but decoding it totaly is not possible

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Ahoj: 6a6f6861length=5length%4=1, padding=00008020Starting, a=67452301 b=efcdab89 see=98badcfe d=10325476Starting block at word 0x[0]=6a6f6861x[1]=00008020x[to]=00000000x[3]=00000000x[4]=00000000x[5]=00000000x[6]=00000000x[7]=00000000x[8]=00000000x[9]=00000000x[10]=00000000x[11]=00000000x[12]=00000000x[13]=00000000x[14]=00000028x[15]=00000000FF (A, B, C, D, x[ 0], S11, 0xd76aa478)FF: a=67452301, b=efcdab89, see=98badcfe, d=10325476, xk=6a6f6861, s=7, ti=d76aa478 F(efcdab89, 98badcfe, 10325476)=98badcfe a+F(b,see,d)+xk+ti=41da0cd8 FF: b+(... <<< 7)=dcd417a9FF: a=10325476, b=dcd417a9, see=efcdab89, d=98badcfe, xk=00008020, s=12, ti=e8c7b756 F(dcd417a9, efcdab89, 98badcfe)=cceecbdf a+F(b,see,d)+xk+ti=c5e957cb FF: b+(... <<< 12)=7250d407FF: a=98badcfe, b=7250d407, see=dcd417a9, d=efcdab89, xk=00000000, s=17, ti=242070db F(7250d407, dcd417a9, efcdab89)=dddd3f89 a+F(b,see,d)+xk+ti=9ab88d62 FF: b+(... <<< 17)=8d160978FF: a=efcdab89, b=8d160978, see=7250d407, d=dcd417a9, xk=00000000, s=22, ti=c1bdceee F(8d160978, 7250d407, dcd417a9)=50d01681 a+F(b,see,d)+xk+ti=025b90f8 FF: b+(... <<< 22)=cb16a05cFF: a=dcd417a9, b=cb16a05c, see=8d160978, d=7250d407, xk=00000000, s=7, ti=f57c0faf F(cb16a05c, 8d160978, 7250d407)=b956545b a+F(b,see,d)+xk+ti=8ba67bb3 FF: b+(... <<< 7)=9e547a21FF: a=7250d407, b=9e547a21, see=cb16a05c, d=8d160978, xk=00000000, s=12, ti=4787c62a F(9e547a21, cb16a05c, 8d160978)=8b162158 a+F(b,see,d)+xk+ti=44eebb89 FF: b+(... <<< 12)=8a0d0e6fFF: a=8d160978, b=8a0d0e6f, see=9e547a21, d=cb16a05c, xk=00000000, s=17, ti=a8304613 F(8a0d0e6f, 9e547a21, cb16a05c)=cb16aa31 a+F(b,see,d)+xk+ti=005cf9bc FF: b+(... <<< 17)=7d850f28FF: a=cb16a05c, b=7d850f28, see=8a0d0e6f, d=9e547a21, xk=00000000, s=22, ti=fd469501 F(7d850f28, 8a0d0e6f, 9e547a21)=8a557e29 a+F(b,see,d)+xk+ti=52b2b386 FF: b+(... <<< 22)=5f19bbd4FF: a=9e547a21, b=5f19bbd4, see=7d850f28, d=8a0d0e6f, xk=00000000, s=7, ti=698098d8 F(5f19bbd4, 7d850f28, 8a0d0e6f)=dd050f2b a+F(b,see,d)+xk+ti=e4da2224 FF: b+(... <<< 7)=cc2ace46FF: a=8a0d0e6f, b=cc2ace46, see=5f19bbd4, d=7d850f28, xk=00000000, s=12, ti=8b44f7af F(cc2ace46, 5f19bbd4, 7d850f28)=7d8d8b6c a+F(b,see,d)+xk+ti=92df918a FF: b+(... <<< 12)=c5437773FF: a=7d850f28, b=c5437773, see=cc2ace46, d=5f19bbd4, xk=00000000, s=17, ti=ffff5bb1 F(c5437773, cc2ace46, 5f19bbd4)=de1acec6 a+F(b,see,d)+xk+ti=5b9f399f FF: b+(... <<< 17)=38822eb1FF: a=5f19bbd4, b=38822eb1, see=c5437773, d=cc2ace46, xk=00000000, s=22, ti=895cd7be F(38822eb1, c5437773, cc2ace46)=c42ae677 a+F(b,see,d)+xk+ti=aca17a09 FF: b+(... <<< 22)=baed570fFF: a=cc2ace46, b=baed570f, see=38822eb1, d=c5437773, xk=00000000, s=7, ti=6b901122 F(baed570f, 38822eb1, c5437773)=7d822671 a+F(b,see,d)+xk+ti=b53d05d9 FF: b+(... <<< 7)=597043e9FF: a=c5437773, b=597043e9, see=baed570f, d=38822eb1, xk=00000000, s=12, ti=fd987193 F(597043e9, baed570f, 38822eb1)=38e26f19 a+F(b,see,d)+xk+ti=fbbe581f FF: b+(... <<< 12)=3ef243a4FF: a=38822eb1, b=3ef243a4, see=597043e9, d=baed570f, xk=00000028, s=17, ti=a679438e F(3ef243a4, 597043e9, baed570f)=987d57ab a+F(b,see,d)+xk+ti=7778ca12 FF: b+(... <<< 17)=d3173295FF: a=baed570f, b=d3173295, see=3ef243a4, d=597043e9, xk=00000000, s=22, ti=49b40821 F(d3173295, 3ef243a4, 597043e9)=1a7243ec a+F(b,see,d)+xk+ti=1f13a31c FF: b+(... <<< 22)=9a1ef77dGG: a=597043e9, b=9a1ef77d, see=d3173295, d=3ef243a4, xk=00008020, s=5, ti=f61e2562 G(9a1ef77d, d3173295, 3ef243a4)=db177335 a+G(b,see,d)+xk+ti=2aa65ca0 GG: b+(... <<< 5)=eeea8b82GG: a=3ef243a4, b=eeea8b82, see=9a1ef77d, d=d3173295, xk=00000000, s=9, ti=c040b340 G(eeea8b82, 9a1ef77d, d3173295)=ca0ac7e8 a+G(b,see,d)+xk+ti=c93dbecc GG: b+(... <<< 9)=6a682514GG: a=d3173295, b=6a682514, see=eeea8b82, d=9a1ef77d, xk=00000000, s=14, ti=265e5a51 G(6a682514, eeea8b82, 9a1ef77d)=6ee82d96 a+G(b,see,d)+xk+ti=685dba7c GG: b+(... <<< 14)=d9073f2bGG: a=9a1ef77d, b=d9073f2b, see=6a682514, d=eeea8b82, xk=6a6f6861, s=20, ti=e9b6c7aa G(d9073f2b, 6a682514, eeea8b82)=c8022f16 a+G(b,see,d)+xk+ti=b647569e GG: b+(... <<< 20)=42f2a3a0GG: a=eeea8b82, b=42f2a3a0, see=d9073f2b, d=6a682514, xk=00000000, s=5, ti=d62f105d G(42f2a3a0, d9073f2b, 6a682514)=d3673b2b a+G(b,see,d)+xk+ti=9880d70a GG: b+(... <<< 5)=530d84f3GG: a=6a682514, b=530d84f3, see=42f2a3a0, d=d9073f2b, xk=00000000, s=9, ti=02441453 G(530d84f3, 42f2a3a0, d9073f2b)=53f584a3 a+G(b,see,d)+xk+ti=c0a1be0a GG: b+(... <<< 9)=96899a74GG: a=d9073f2b, b=96899a74, see=530d84f3, d=42f2a3a0, xk=00000000, s=14, ti=d8a1e681 G(96899a74, 530d84f3, 42f2a3a0)=138d8673 a+G(b,see,d)+xk+ti=c536ac1f GG: b+(... <<< 14)=41918bc1GG: a=42f2a3a0, b=41918bc1, see=96899a74, d=530d84f3, xk=00000000, s=20, ti=e7d3fbc8 G(41918bc1, 96899a74, 530d84f3)=c5819ac5 a+G(b,see,d)+xk+ti=f0483a2d GG: b+(... <<< 20)=e4709044GG: a=530d84f3, b=e4709044, see=41918bc1, d=96899a74, xk=00000000, s=5, ti=21e1cde6 G(e4709044, 41918bc1, 96899a74)=c51091c5 a+G(b,see,d)+xk+ti=39ffe49e GG: b+(... <<< 5)=246d240bGG: a=96899a74, b=246d240b, see=e4709044, d=41918bc1, xk=00000028, s=9, ti=c33707d6 G(246d240b, e4709044, 41918bc1)=a4611005 a+G(b,see,d)+xk+ti=fe21b277 GG: b+(... <<< 9)=67d21407GG: a=41918bc1, b=67d21407, see=246d240b, d=e4709044, xk=00000000, s=14, ti=f4d50d87 G(67d21407, 246d240b, e4709044)=645d340f a+G(b,see,d)+xk+ti=9ac3cd57 GG: b+(... <<< 14)=5b27fab7GG: a=e4709044, b=5b27fab7, see=67d21407, d=246d240b, xk=00000000, s=20, ti=455a14ed G(5b27fab7, 67d21407, 246d240b)=43b73007 a+G(b,see,d)+xk+ti=6d81d538 GG: b+(... <<< 20)=aeaed2d4GG: a=246d240b, b=aeaed2d4, see=5b27fab7, d=67d21407, xk=00000000, s=5, ti=a9e3e905 G(aeaed2d4, 5b27fab7, 67d21407)=3ea7fab4 a+G(b,see,d)+xk+ti=0cf907c4 GG: b+(... <<< 5)=4dcfcb55GG: a=67d21407, b=4dcfcb55, see=aeaed2d4, d=5b27fab7, xk=00000000, s=9, ti=fcefa3f8 G(4dcfcb55, aeaed2d4, 5b27fab7)=ed8fca55 a+G(b,see,d)+xk+ti=52518254 GG: b+(... <<< 9)=f0d473f9GG: a=5b27fab7, b=f0d473f9, see=4dcfcb55, d=aeaed2d4, xk=00000000, s=14, ti=676f02d9 G(f0d473f9, 4dcfcb55, aeaed2d4)=e1c55bd1 a+G(b,see,d)+xk+ti=a45c5961 GG: b+(... <<< 14)=072cdd10GG: a=aeaed2d4, b=072cdd10, see=f0d473f9, d=4dcfcb55, xk=00000000, s=20, ti=8d2a4c8a G(072cdd10, f0d473f9, 4dcfcb55)=b51cf9b8 a+G(b,see,d)+xk+ti=f0f61916 GG: b+(... <<< 20)=989bec71HH: a=4dcfcb55, b=989bec71, see=072cdd10, d=f0d473f9, xk=00000000, s=4, ti=fffa3942 H(989bec71, 072cdd10, f0d473f9)=6f634298 a+H(b,see,d)+xk+ti=bd2d472f HH: b+(... <<< 4)=6b705f6cHH: a=f0d473f9, b=6b705f6c, see=989bec71, d=072cdd10, xk=00000000, s=11, ti=8771f681 H(6b705f6c, 989bec71, 072cdd10)=f4c76e0d a+H(b,see,d)+xk+ti=6d0dd887 HH: b+(... <<< 11)=da349ad4HH: a=072cdd10, b=da349ad4, see=6b705f6c, d=989bec71, xk=00000000, s=16, ti=6d9d6122 H(da349ad4, 6b705f6c, 989bec71)=29df29c9 a+H(b,see,d)+xk+ti=9ea967fb HH: b+(... <<< 16)=4230397dHH: a=989bec71, b=4230397d, see=da349ad4, d=6b705f6c, xk=00000028, s=23, ti=fde5380c H(4230397d, da349ad4, 6b705f6c)=f374fcc5 a+H(b,see,d)+xk+ti=89f6216a HH: b+(... <<< 23)=f775348dHH: a=6b705f6c, b=f775348d, see=4230397d, d=da349ad4, xk=00008020, s=4, ti=a4beea44 H(f775348d, 4230397d, da349ad4)=6f719724 a+H(b,see,d)+xk+ti=7fa160f4 HH: b+(... <<< 4)=f18b43d4HH: a=da349ad4, b=f18b43d4, see=f775348d, d=4230397d, xk=00000000, s=11, ti=4bdecfa9 H(f18b43d4, f775348d, 4230397d)=44ce4e24 a+H(b,see,d)+xk+ti=6ae1b8a1 HH: b+(... <<< 11)=ff504f2bHH: a=4230397d, b=ff504f2b, see=f18b43d4, d=f775348d, xk=00000000, s=16, ti=f6bb4b60 H(ff504f2b, f18b43d4, f775348d)=f9ae3872 a+H(b,see,d)+xk+ti=3299bd4f HH: b+(... <<< 16)=bc9f81c4HH: a=f775348d, b=bc9f81c4, see=ff504f2b, d=f18b43d4, xk=00000000, s=23, ti=bebfbc70 H(bc9f81c4, ff504f2b, f18b43d4)=b2448d3b a+H(b,see,d)+xk+ti=68797e38 HH: b+(... <<< 23)=d8d3be83HH: a=f18b43d4, b=d8d3be83, see=bc9f81c4, d=ff504f2b, xk=00000000, s=4, ti=289b7ec6 H(d8d3be83, bc9f81c4, ff504f2b)=9b1c706c a+H(b,see,d)+xk+ti=b5433306 HH: b+(... <<< 4)=2d06eeeeHH: a=ff504f2b, b=2d06eeee, see=d8d3be83, d=bc9f81c4, xk=6a6f6861, s=11, ti=eaa127fa H(2d06eeee, d8d3be83, bc9f81c4)=494ad1a9 a+H(b,see,d)+xk+ti=9dabb12f HH: b+(... <<< 11)=8a906bdbHH: a=bc9f81c4, b=8a906bdb, see=2d06eeee, d=d8d3be83, xk=00000000, s=16, ti=d4ef3085 H(8a906bdb, 2d06eeee, d8d3be83)=7f453bb6 a+H(b,see,d)+xk+ti=10d3edff HH: b+(... <<< 16)=788f7caeHH: a=d8d3be83, b=788f7cae, see=8a906bdb, d=2d06eeee, xk=00000000, s=23, ti=04881d05 H(788f7cae, 8a906bdb, 2d06eeee)=df19f99b a+H(b,see,d)+xk+ti=bc75d523 HH: b+(... <<< 23)=0a6db798HH: a=2d06eeee, b=0a6db798, see=788f7cae, d=8a906bdb, xk=00000000, s=4, ti=d9d4d039 H(0a6db798, 788f7cae, 8a906bdb)=f872a0ed a+H(b,see,d)+xk+ti=ff4e6014 HH: b+(... <<< 4)=ff53b8e7HH: a=8a906bdb, b=ff53b8e7, see=0a6db798, d=788f7cae, xk=00000000, s=11, ti=e6db99e5 H(ff53b8e7, 0a6db798, 788f7cae)=8db173d1 a+H(b,see,d)+xk+ti=ff1d7991 HH: b+(... <<< 11)=eb2048dfHH: a=788f7cae, b=eb2048df, see=ff53b8e7, d=0a6db798, xk=00000000, s=16, ti=1fa27cf8 H(eb2048df, ff53b8e7, 0a6db798)=1e1e47a0 a+H(b,see,d)+xk+ti=b6504146 HH: b+(... <<< 16)=2c66ff2fHH: a=0a6db798, b=2c66ff2f, see=eb2048df, d=ff53b8e7, xk=00000000, s=23, ti=c4ac5665 H(2c66ff2f, eb2048df, ff53b8e7)=38150f17 a+H(b,see,d)+xk+ti=072f1d14 HH: b+(... <<< 23)=b66a96bdII: a=ff53b8e7, b=b66a96bd, see=2c66ff2f, d=eb2048df, xk=6a6f6861, s=6, ti=f4292244 I(b66a96bd, 2c66ff2f, eb2048df)=9a994892 a+I(b,see,d)+xk+ti=f8858c1e II: b+(... <<< 6)=d7cd9e7bII: a=eb2048df, b=d7cd9e7b, see=b66a96bd, d=2c66ff2f, xk=00000000, s=10, ti=432aff97 I(d7cd9e7b, b66a96bd, 2c66ff2f)=61b70846 a+I(b,see,d)+xk+ti=900250bc II: b+(... <<< 10)=e11090bbII: a=2c66ff2f, b=e11090bb, see=d7cd9e7b, d=b66a96bd, xk=00000028, s=15, ti=ab9423a7 I(e11090bb, d7cd9e7b, b66a96bd)=3e586780 a+I(b,see,d)+xk+ti=16538a7e II: b+(... <<< 15)=a64f9be4II: a=b66a96bd, b=a64f9be4, see=e11090bb, d=d7cd9e7b, xk=00000000, s=21, ti=fc93a039 I(a64f9be4, e11090bb, d7cd9e7b)=4f6f6b5f a+I(b,see,d)+xk+ti=026da255 II: b+(... <<< 21)=f0efe998II: a=d7cd9e7b, b=f0efe998, see=a64f9be4, d=e11090bb, xk=00000000, s=6, ti=655b59c3 I(f0efe998, a64f9be4, e11090bb)=58a07438 a+I(b,see,d)+xk+ti=95c96c76 II: b+(... <<< 6)=634b073dII: a=e11090bb, b=634b073d, see=f0efe998, d=a64f9be4, xk=00000000, s=10, ti=8f0ccc92 I(634b073d, f0efe998, a64f9be4)=8b148ea7 a+I(b,see,d)+xk+ti=fb31ebf4 II: b+(... <<< 10)=2afadb29II: a=a64f9be4, b=2afadb29, see=634b073d, d=f0efe998, xk=00000000, s=15, ti=ffeff47d I(2afadb29, 634b073d, f0efe998)=4cb1d852 a+I(b,see,d)+xk+ti=f2f168b3 II: b+(... <<< 15)=df54d4a1II: a=f0efe998, b=df54d4a1, see=2afadb29, d=634b073d, xk=00008020, s=21, ti=85845dd1 I(df54d4a1, 2afadb29, 634b073d)=f50e27ca a+I(b,see,d)+xk+ti=6b82ef53 II: b+(... <<< 21)=c9c244feII: a=634b073d, b=c9c244fe, see=df54d4a1, d=2afadb29, xk=00000000, s=6, ti=6fa87e4f I(c9c244fe, df54d4a1, 2afadb29)=0293b05f a+I(b,see,d)+xk+ti=d58735eb II: b+(... <<< 6)=2b8fbff3II: a=2afadb29, b=2b8fbff3, see=c9c244fe, d=df54d4a1, xk=00000000, s=10, ti=fe2ce6e0 I(2b8fbff3, c9c244fe, df54d4a1)=e26dfb01 a+I(b,see,d)+xk+ti=0b95bd0a II: b+(... <<< 10)=8283e821II: a=df54d4a1, b=8283e821, see=2b8fbff3, d=c9c244fe, xk=00000000, s=15, ti=a3014314 I(8283e821, 2b8fbff3, c9c244fe)=9d3044d2 a+I(b,see,d)+xk+ti=1f865c87 II: b+(... <<< 15)=b0c777e4II: a=c9c244fe, b=b0c777e4, see=8283e821, d=2b8fbff3, xk=00000000, s=21, ti=4e0811a1 I(b0c777e4, 8283e821, 2b8fbff3)=76749fcd a+I(b,see,d)+xk+ti=8e3ef66c II: b+(... <<< 21)=7e593fc2II: a=2b8fbff3, b=7e593fc2, see=b0c777e4, d=8283e821, xk=00000000, s=6, ti=f7537e82 I(7e593fc2, b0c777e4, 8283e821)=cfba483a a+I(b,see,d)+xk+ti=f29d86af II: b+(... <<< 6)=25baebbeII: a=8283e821, b=25baebbe, see=7e593fc2, d=b0c777e4, xk=00000000, s=10, ti=bd3af235 I(25baebbe, 7e593fc2, b0c777e4)=11e3d47d a+I(b,see,d)+xk+ti=51a2aed3 II: b+(... <<< 10)=b0763904II: a=b0c777e4, b=b0763904, see=25baebbe, d=7e593fc2, xk=00000000, s=15, ti=2ad7d2bb I(b0763904, 25baebbe, 7e593fc2)=944c1283 a+I(b,see,d)+xk+ti=6feb5d22 II: b+(... <<< 15)=5f0770f9II: a=7e593fc2, b=5f0770f9, see=b0763904, d=25baebbe, xk=00000000, s=21, ti=eb86d391 I(5f0770f9, b0763904, 25baebbe)=6f314dfd a+I(b,see,d)+xk+ti=d9116150 II: b+(... <<< 21)=89229325Round end, a=8d000ebf b=78f03eae see=f7c24df7 d=c0a88d7a

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Replying to Trap Feed Backer Actually this isn't a decrypted (decoder) the guys who made this site have made a list of encoded words in their database. Example: password=5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99, so if you enter this md5 code you will get password. Because what is actually happening isn't decoding the engine is looking for the same md5 code in the database (which they have put in) and when it finds it it knows the actual word (the Clearwater). But they can't put in every word or every words together. So if your password is complex enough these engines won't be able to decode it. Ex. Appleton, toilet pen, fundholders go better yet, in some athletic language.-reply by Arnar

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none, that is the simple reply

Decode Md5


There is no way to decode md5 string. I try lots, but hopeless.


-reply by master Joe

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Replying to Trap FeedBackerYou can do it with rainbow tables.-reply by RutixADMIN RESPONSE:- Whats a Rainbow Table?A rainbow table is a compact representation of related plaintext password sequences (or chains). Each chain starts with an initial password, which is passed through a hash function. The resulting hash is then fed into a reduction function, which produces a different plaintext password. The process is then repeated for a fixed number of iterations. The initial and final passwords of the chain comprise a rainbow table entry.Recovering a password using a rainbow table is a two step process. First, the password hash is run through the above reduce-hash sequence. The structure of the table and its reduction function guarantee that the running password will match a final password of one of the chains. This yields the initial password of the chain. Second, the iteration is repeated starting with this initial password until the original hash is found. The password used at the last iteration is the password being recovered.From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_table

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MD5 is a hash function... Hash functions are one-way, meaning, they create a hash string, based on their input... MD5 doesn't encrypt anything, it just creates hash string...The only possible way to "crack" MD5 is using dictionary attack, that is, using a list of existing MD5:Cleartext pairs, and matching to a desired MD5... There is no way do decode, only "break in"... Only, it requires quite big processing power to do it fast...

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Gala is completely correct. MD5 is a hash, hashes create fixed-length outputs and are irreversible.


A simple explanation as to why MD5 can't be 'decoded' is that there are only 2^128 (correct me if I'm wrong) possible outputs, and more than 2^128 possible inputs. This means that some pairs of inputs will give the same output. If you are given the output, there is no way you can tell what the input was. (of course you won't need to do such if a script only checks for a matching MD5 hash!)


You can however crack an MD5 hash by brute force (a dictionary attack is just a more selective brute force!) However, this is infeasible given the input was a string of length 12 with mixed-case letters, numbers, and special characters! At three million checks a second, this could still take over five million years! (actually that's if it happens to be one of the last strings you check, so lets put it at 2 million). This is the main reason why most websites ask for long passwords, which aren't actually secure if you can get social engineered, but I think I'm getting a bit off-topic here.


TL/DR: MD5 cannot be decoded, but can be cracked.

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Genetic Algorithm approachDecode Md5

I've tried using a Genetic Algorithm to"decrypt" an md5 string, and it takes only a few minutes. Nothing is impossible, just a little slow /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley2.gif .

-reply by jobeaga

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There is no way to decode MD5 in a 100% accurate way because it is not collision proof.  This means that there can be two or more inputs that lead to the same output when hashed using MD5.

 Typical decoders online use specialised algorithms or a simple dictionary attack to decrypt MD5 over a long period of time and then put the answer in a database.  When you put in a hash to decrypt they look to see if they've solved it before and if so they return it.  If the database lookup fails they start the dictionary crack and when it eventually succeeds they put that in the DB. Due to the internets distributed nature these databases can grow quite quickly with valid keyvalue pairs.

There's also a human fudge factor - if five inputs lead to the same hash but only one of the input is an english word and the rest are random assortments of numbers and letters then you can be pretty sure you got the right/wrong original input on match.  The algorithm can do some simple matching based on this criteria.

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Decoding MD5 stringDecode Md5


Is there any possibility to Decode a MD5 string into a normal string?Was that possible? Is there any function to do that? 

-question by karthik

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I don't know why some people said they could do it..

If you just test this function you will understand that this function don't encode the string,If you give a text that contains more that 200 characters or more even.. The function will return a string with 32 characters..

now.. Do you still belive MD5 function can encode a string with 200 characters to 32 characters??

Actually md5 function gets the length of the string and some ASCII code of characters & will convert them to HASH CODE, (REMEMBER JUST FEW CHARACTERS) ex:

if we have this string "this is a test", md5 will get the length of the string (14) + first character + last character + space counts and many other things, in the end, the function will append all of the results together and convert them to hash code... So.. Every text in the world will have an identity code (MD5), so there is no decoder for this function, as "Feed Backer" said.. The only way to decode MD5 is create an database and try to add every word to it + MD5 (and we know that it's impossible)...

and remember that md5 is case sensetive, it means that the md5 result for ("test") is not equal with result of ("Test")... So FORGET ABOUT DECODING MD5

-reply by Pezhvak

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