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Nani Cheri

Problem From Flash 8 To Mx 2004 Pro

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Hey everyone!I switched from Flash 8 to Flash MX 2004 pro today... Before I made a little website in Flash 8, and I thought I could open it in Flash MX 2004, but I think I've got a huge problem. When I try to open the .fla file I made in FL8, FL MX gives an error which says: Unexpected file format. He can't open all the files I made in FL 8!!!!!!!!I hope I have not lost them or anything, What can I do to make FL MX open them ???????? I hope there is something to do about it; anyone knows what to do?

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only some? make sure that those files are not corrupted in the first place. i would suppose flash mx would be backward compatible, so file corruption is the first thing i'd check. and if mx can open others, but not some, then it would just mean mx works, your file just don't.

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this has always been a problem with flash, you can olmost not switch between the different versions, usually only the one befor the new one.

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hmmm...thanks! I searched on the internet, and yes, many say flash 8 files can't be opened in flash mx...But I'm going to try to safe those flash 8 files to flash mx 2004 files, so i'll have to reinstall fslah 8 again....:Si'll post to let know if it worked!

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well, be more careful the next time, and it is made due to the constant changes that are made in each version. Because if you check the files and folders of the installation you could see that now the classes are divided for flash 7 and below and flash 8 as well as the player.

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spy Charly, I'll do that. I didn't knew that.anyway...I tried to save the file to MX Flash files, It worked! Thanks Hell Raiser..I do think it's a pity that Flash has this problem...can't they figure something out for this? I think Flash is a great program, but this open up files problem in a newer version sucks actually hahahabut Im glad it worked

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