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Need Help On Pda Need a little help . HP rx1950

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I don't know whether this counts as a computer.. but well I think it does.I got a new PDA thing today... my mum talked me into getting one.. well she bought it for my birthday, I didn't really want it but I guess it's ok. It's a HP rx1950. Doesn't have many things on it that you can do. It's smallish and well fairly thin. gahhh .. I didn't know how to set up the wireless internet thing. Well first of all I realised that I needed some sort of thing to connect to the computer first of all...which I'm going to get later.. but then it worked when i connected it to the laptop..so i thought i'd try that out.. and it started working for like 3 minutes disconnected and then just never worked again.I wanted to add a connection thing but you NEED to enter a phone number (which I had when I used dial up) but my DSL thing on AOL doesn't use a number...so there was a problem.... and sometimes it asked for the network key, which I haven't a clue about. And aol doesn't help much you try to find the help files and use the aol keyword thing and it's all full of bull..

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I am very confused. You need to contact HP and ask them what to do. Your DSL service won't help because this is a PDA. Once you know what you need, then go ask your DSL or your high speed Internet service what HP told you to get. Start with HP first and ask them, then go find it out from the right people. It only makes you angry and upset if you go to the wrong people first. I know.It sounds like you accidently messed up the conection though. It happens very easily if you bump something. Make sure your connections are in place, check your network settings if you have to, and then if it doesn't work try calling HP. I am afraid that is all I can suggest as a PDA is very hard to get along with :blink: They mess up easily.

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