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Addon Domains And Their Email Addresses Email address of Addon Parked domains

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In Cpanel it says to verify that the Addon Domains feature is enabled on the account prior to doing the addon. So, is this feature available? I've looked around and haven't really found an answer.What I'm hoping to do (and what the Addon Domain feature seems to do) is to assign different domains to a different subdomains of my primary domain. Such as assigning altdomain.com to alt.maindomain.com. I know I can do this with domain forwarding through my registrar, but I'd rather stay away from forwarding.Okay, that leads me to two related questions:1) If I do an Addon Domain, do I need to transfer the alternate domain to your nameservers as well? I already put my primary domain to your ns1 and ns2 dot Xisto - Web Hosting.com nameservers, and it'd be easy to transfer the others also.2) Would I have the ability to have email access to those alternate domains as well? I love having admin@maindomain.com, but it'd also be nice to have admin@altdomain.com as well.Just fyi, I only have three domains (one primary, two alternate), so it's not like I'm trying to tie 100 different domains to one account. Just three :blink:

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Yes, you can do all of that. Addon on domains are enabled, I am not sure why that message in there. When I first did addon domains, I didn't know if it work either.


Yes, you need to set your other domain(s) to the Xisto name servers. Failure to do this will result in the domain not working or showing a different site. Once you set your domain(s) to point to the Xisto nameservers, you need to setup the domain in your cpanel, via "addon domain". Fill it out and setup a redirection if you desire that feature.


Yes, you will have the ability to send and recieve e-mails through your addon domains. The only thing you have to do is setup an e-mail account and make sure you switch the domain to the one you want. Once you do that, you can send e-mails from it.


Note, once you point your domain(s) to the Xisto nameservers, it will take within a day for the DNS to update. So if your wondering why you can view your site from the domain, don't worry. Just be patient and wait. Though if its getting to 2 to 3 days, then ask for more help :blink:


I hope it helps, let me know if you need anything.


Notice from jlhaslip:
This question is in the Xisto - Web Hosting section of the Forum, so I assume the member originating this Topic has an account there.

xjedixx's references to Xisto should also apply at Xisto - Web Hosting, however the nameservers are different, I believe. Other than that, the information should apply.

Also, Xisto dot NET nameservers will be different again. Xisto dot NET do not use cpanel, either. They use xpanel, which has fewer features than the cpanels at Xisto.com and Xisto - Web Hosting.com.

If this is incorrect, someone will surely come by and correct us.

Edited by jlhaslip (see edit history)

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Let me understand you correctly when I say:1) You have Xisto - Web Hosting service and you want to link other domains under one hosting service2) You want to have independent section/folder/access to your different domain names associated to one Xisto - Web Hosting service.Here is how you can achieve them. Given that you have Domain A, Domain B and Domain C. 1) Set all nameserver for Domain A, B and C to ns1 and ns2 dot Xisto - Web Hosting.com2) Create subdomain under your cPanel for Domain B and C3) You will now have folder B and C showing up in your root directory (now you can name your folder anyway you want. You can even make a folder for Doman A)4) Access the domain control and set the Domain B to redirect http://ww38.yoursite.com/
B and Domain C to http://ww38.yoursite.com/
C5) you can set email alias (additional email address) but they will all say user@maindomain.com where "maindomain" is the domain name you initially registered with Xisto - Web Hosting.6) You can set additional FTP accounts that only access certain folders (subdomains in this case).You won't be able to have user@domain.com and user@anotherdomain.com since this is only possible under WHM (Web Hosting Manager) service that can turn your hosting into host service for additional domains. And installing any software that mimics your hosting service by Xisto - Web Hosting to act like WHM is against TOS. If you want to achieve total separate hosting service, contact Xisto - Web Hosting for shared hosting plan. For very minimal price, you can have 3 or 4 hosting space which then can be configured to do exactly what you want.

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You're correct in your assumptions that I registered under Xisto - Web Hosting.com. I used to be an active member at Xisto (where I first became acquainted with the Xisto family), but I decided to pay a flat fee instead of keep active in my busy schedule. I'm familiar with Cpanel with my past experience with Xisto.I figured that I'd be able to point various domains to a single domain's folders. I'll begin transferring my domains to your nameservers to set that up.I swear, there's nothing better than instant feedback. That's the primary reason I stuck with you guys instead of switching to another host.

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The sweet and short answer is, You can host Unlimited domains under one account by pointing their nameservers and using ADDON/PARKED domains feature.AND, you can have UNLIMITED Emails associated with those domain names.I hope things are clear :blink: -Topic Closed.

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