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A Suggestion About Post suggestion

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hello,admin,mod and member...

i got a idea because i found that there are many good topic which can invoke member's interesting,who would like to be active here and reply those good post.so many hot topic should be award IMO in order to promote member's enthusiasm and keep active in forum readily and enjoyful.


that so-called award is just add their credit a bit +1[/red] or any other award you are able to think out.there should be a fixed or pinned post to evaluate hot post and award it,like SOTW in GFX section. we can find the most popular or hot topic per week or month base on their number of reply.


just a suggestion...any comment will be appreciated :)

the final decision belongs to admin and mod.

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Yes I agree with your idea that it should be made more visible.In the past I ran 3 awards giving posts and the responses were less than pars. The all three were pinned topics. With all that moderating events, I am now coming to a conclusion that pinned topics are overlooked by members just as unpinned topics. It's only visible to those who are actually searching through each individual forum sections that pinned topics are noticed. Now, I'm not implicating any thing when I say pinned topics go unnoticed. Majority of members really search the forum. I personally feel that only a hand full of topics should be pinned. Not to say that topics made by staff members are pinned, but only real critical messages should be pinned so that a topic isn't swept away by other newer topics. And there's fun and building a good habit of searching the forum and recognizing newest topics and recently made topics. It's a smaller version of scavenger hunt.

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thx,Mr. Buffalo.i am glad that you notic this idea... :blink:


to be simple...those good topic can be sorted for its own section.that is to say,the post evaluated to be good should be pinned in itself region,not the entire pinned which can be visible everywhere.


in addition...i feel that create a single section to collect/store those good topic is also good and easy to find and enjoy.in our area,usually we call that section as prime region which is used to keep the best(hot) topic.of course,the authur of prime post is also award(for instance,credit +1).


the detail that mod or admin can pick up some hot posts(reply more than 30) to be a nomination into the prime region.furthermore,to reduce the burden,all the selected post must be the one which started within 1 week or 1 month.so the frequent opting amount will be a balance,reduce mod or admin busy in doing that.


hope you get a final thought about this.

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