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Make Money Easy With Stormpay

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I turned $3 into $8,623 using StormPay




Try to look at this program with an open mind. At least think about it for a few days. This DID work for me.


In September 2004 I stumbled across a discussion posting that explained an easy to use program on how to turn a small investments into thousands within a few weeks. My initial response to this was This is not possible, its way too easy. But being curious on the workings of this program I read on.


After a few days of thinking it over I realized that I dont have anything to lose except for $3. I kept thinking what if it actually works.


Therefore, I put my doubts to one side and I went ahead and followed the simple instructions given in that posting. It took me less then 30 minutes to complete it and it cost me no more than $3!!!


Within 2 months of following the business plan I could finally afford the BMW I always wanted.


Well, if you read on, all will be revealed. The business plan I am about to share with you works perfectly every single time. I have never made less then 10,000$ from it on each occasion! I am sharing this business plan FREE of charge.


It doesnt require you to sell anything; it doesnt require you to speak to your friends, family or anybody else! In fact, you dont need to come into contact with any people.


This program has been around for more than 10 years; this shows that it actually works. Before I start to explain I would like to assure you that this program is 100% LEGAL when you follow it EXACTLY as described below.


If you decide not to take advantage of this life-changing opportunity, I would like you to know that I sincerely respect your decision and I will understand that you have your reasons. I therefore wish you the very best of luck for the future. However, remember life is short. Nobody has ever said that you cant have the financial freedom to do, what you want to do, when you want to do it. But you must first pay the price, and the price here is action: Its that simple.




You will make some fast and easy cash, using just a COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT, and one of the simplest and most popular Internet payment systems in existence.


Note StormPay is used rather than PayPal because it allows members from all over the world, therefore more cash for YOU!!


You have most likely seen or heard about this project on TV programs such as 20 / 20 and Oprah Winfrey, or you may read about it in the Wall Street Journal. If not, here it is below Revealed to you in step - by - step detail.


This program is by no means new; it has been in existence in many forms for at least ten years. But in the early days, it required a lot more - time and effort - as well as an outlay of a few hundreds dollars.


However thanks to StormPay and the Internet, the outlay is now virtually ZERO!!! On top of that, the entire process is FASTER, EASIER, and MORE LUCRATIVE then it has ever been.


If you are already running a home business, you can easily do this one along with it. If not, this is the FASTEST and EASIEST way to earn serious money online that you have ever seen so far in the history of the Internet.


THIS PROGRAM WORKS NO MATTER WHAT COUNTRY YOU ARE IN, OR WHAT CURRENCY YOU USE. You won't need to run a website, or make phone calls, or make photocopies, or send out letters through the mail. The only things you will need are: A. An email address. B. A StormPay account with at least 3$ deposited in it. C. 30 minutes of your time.


Do note - there is NO LIMIT to the amount of income you can generate from this one single business program!!!


Please be sure to read this entire page . . . take your time . . .come back to it; go over and over it, you won't be sorry. If you don't have time to read all of this now, then save this page, so you can come back to it later.


NEED PROOF THAT THIS WORKS? Here are just 3 testimonials from the countless individuals who decided to invest nothing more then $3 and half an hour of their time to participate in this program:


What an amazing plan! I followed your instructions just 3 weeks ago, and although I havent made 10 grand yet, I am already up to $6,135 I am absolutely job smacked ALAN HUMPHRIES, Leicester.


This is Lisa. Well what can I say? Thank you so much! I sent out 40 emails like you said, and then I just forgot about the whole thing. To be honest, I didnt really think anything would come of it. But when I checked my Stormpay account, a week later, there was over 3,000$ in it!!! After 30 days I now have over 11,000$ to spend!!! I can't thank you enough. Lisa McDonald, Northampton.


I was shocked when I saw how much money came flooding into my storm pay account. Within 3 weeks my account balance has ballooned to $7,449. At first I thought there had been some sort of error with my account. Richard Barrie, Cirencester.


Just few months ago, each of these people were doing the same thing as you are at this very moment - reading this! But because they decided to follow the simple instructions Given below, they are now considerably better off as a result. And there's no reason whatsoever why you can't share in this success. You've got nothing to lose, and




Let's get started, just follow the instructions exactly as set out below, and then prepare yourself for a HUGE influx of cash over the next 30 days!!!






Ok, first you will need to sign-up for a FREE StormPay account. Do this by visiting the following link:






It is an undeniable law of the universe that we must first give in order to receive. If you do not have $3 in your StormPay account, you can fund it using the easy options StormPay provides.


Send a 3$ payment from your StormPay account to the FIRST email Address in the list below, along with a note saying:


PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST Be certain to add this note, as this is what KEEPS THIS PROGRAM LEGAL. (The person you send the payment to does not receive money for nothing in return; the person adds your email to their mailing list)


Instructions on how to send a payment are under " SEND MONEY " at the StormPay site.


It's so easy when you send your 3$ payment to the first address in the list, do it with a great big smile on your face because "as you saw, so shall you reap ".


Here is the current list:




3. tracy_7891@yahoo.com

4. rickisanton@yahoo.com

5. Onenonly15@aol.com

6. harveycestlavie@aol.com



After you have transferred a 3$ payment to the email address at the top of the list it gives you indescribable, overwhelming sense of certainty, belief and conviction in the system you have just proved to yourself that, because you have done it, there must be a great number of other people ready to do exactly the same.


Thus you have now seen for yourself, first hand, that this business actually works.




Once you've sent a $3 payment to the address at the top of the list (along with your note this is VERY IMPORTANT) the next thing you do is to send it on via email or discussion postings.


Now you can edit this document in any way you want. The first thing to edit are the email address in the list above, delete the top email address, and then move the others up a position, and then add YOUR email address on the bottom of the list (the number 6 position). Be sure to use your email address that is associated with your StormPay account. But DO NOT FORGET to send $3 via StormPay (along with your note!) to the email address at position number 1 before deleting it !


Dont be tempted to add your name to position 1 in order to earn money fast!!!


It doesnt work like that! If you do that, you will ONLY reach the people you directly Send emails to, and then your name will immediately be removed from the number 1 place and you won't reach thousands of people.


But if you add your name to the number 6 position, there will be literally thousands of People receiving and sending e-mails later - when your name is number 1 spot.


Once you have edited your email message as outlined above its time to advertise, note that the more you advertise, the more your income. You can place the document on various discussion/message boards. Do this by using a search engine like https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl, http://yahoo.com/, http://search.yahoo.com/?fr=altavista, http://www.msn.com/de-de?rd=1&ucc=DE&dcc=DE&opt=0. Then search for one of the following: make money message board, make money online forum, money message board, make money discussion etc.


You will then be able to post your document on these boards.


Note It is advised to post your document to at least 200 boards in order to receive the amount of income I received.


Another method is to send out a minimum of 40 copies of this email. You can advertise it any way you want but NO SPAM.


Note Advertising is the deciding factor of the success of this program. Its simple, the more you advertise the more money you will make.




Let's assume that only 5 people do the plan from the emails/postings that you send, and in turn they each get only 5 people to do the plan etc, here is the amount


Of people that will send $3 to your StormPay address in the number 1 spot:


(Your StormPay address in Number 6 position) = 5 responses. (Your StormPay address in Number 5 position) 5 x 5 = 25 responses. (Your StormPay address in Number 4 position) 5 x 25 = 125 responses. (Your StormPay address in Number 3 position) 5 x 125 = 625 responses. (Your StormPay address in Number 2 position) 5 x 625 = 3,125 responses. (Your StormPay address in Number 1 position) 5 x 3,125 = 15,625 payments of $3 each to your StormPay account. That is a massive $46,875 into your Pay pal account for only a $3 initial payment.


And that's based on only 5 people responding to the plan. Imagine if . . .10 people responded!!! Or maybe more?



Notice from serverph:
Post #1 is SPAM.


quotes added. credits adjusted. warning served. please review Xisto forum rules & TOS. enforced moderator review of all posts for 7 days.

Edited by serverph (see edit history)

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This is a very simple pyramid scheme nothing really new or good.Only the people on the top of the pyramid will earn money (and only if there are enough dumb people who think they can get rich on this way) and all the other people (lets say 90%) will never be in profit.So I would suggest you to let your hands out from such a "money making opportunity":)

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This is one of those texts/tutorials/ads to do "one" thing:Promote the service, in this case, the stormpay website service, and to promote it for free.People tend to try this stuff when they are new to the "Internet Market", and by doing that, the rich ones get even more rich.If you add a good intention, wich i want to beleave, there's a lot more ways to get money on the internet, 100's of ways, and really good ones.Anyway, thanks for joyning and starting to share knowledge, you did not made a very good first topic, but i'm sure you will do better next time.

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