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Albus Dumbledore

Free Regestration Error and error on generating code

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when i try and generate the code to post in the free regestration area it wont let me... it gives me File not acquired!



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that link is working just fine for me also..but when i go to input all of the information it gives me the error above...ive double checked all the fields tha are required and they are filled in correctly/filled in at all..i wonder if it matters that im using mozilla *the better browser*

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Well It is working absolutely fine for me as well!
I am also using mozilla firefox so it is certainly not a browser problem.
What I can do for you is that If you want....PM me the details...all the details which are required and I'll send you the code!

Will that be fine!

Or here's the code....just make the changes and paste it in the request forum!

make the topic title as


Topic description as :

& here's the aplication....just change the thing which are applicable!

I would like to request free web hosting from Xisto.Please find my application below.[list][*][b]Your Registered Domain Name or Desired Xisto Subdomain Name:[/b][list][*][color=blue]evilnui.trap17.com[/color][/list][*][b]Account Username:[/b][list][*][color=blue]EvilNui[/color][/list][*][b]Introduction:[/b][list][*][color=navy]I am Nui, I like to watch anime (japanese animation), spent much time with watching anime and doing something on the pc. I think my talents lie within my abilities of working with a pc, I am just one with the keyboard and mouse tongue.gif. I love to make jokes! wink.gif[/color][/list][*][b]Email Address:[/b][list][*][color=blue]evilnui@gmail.com[/color][/list][*][b]Age:[/b][list][*][color=blue]18 [/color][/list][*][b]Country Where I Live:[/b][list][*][color=blue]germany [/color][/list][*][b]My Websites Theme:[/b][list][*][color=blue]School, pupil organisation[/color][/list][*][b]Reason I Chose Xisto:[/b][list][*][color=blue]seems to be more professionel than most free (if not all :P ) hosts[/color][/list][*][b]How I Found Xisto:[/b][list][*][color=blue]ads, perhaps[/color][/list][*][b]My Previous Host:[/b][list][*][color=blue]kuli.de, ver2.biz, ...[/color][/list][*][b]Reason For Leaving My Previous Host:[/b][list][*][color=blue]not enough support for scripts, space, bandwidth [/color][/list][*][b]Desired Hosting Package:[/b][list][*][color=blue]#1: Starter Package[/color][/list][*][b]Additional Comments:[/b][list][*][color=navy]I was redirected from asta:[url=http://forums.xisto.com/topic/88172-free-web-hosting-evilnui-free-website-evilnuiastahostcom/;[/list][/list][b]I have read, understand, accept, and agree with the Terms Of Service, Acceptable Use Policy, and The Forum Rules: [/b][color=red]YES, I Agree![/color]Thank You,EvilNui[right][color=silver][size=0][i]Application for free web hosting generated using req_form.php 3.1.4 by vujsa.Sunday, January 08, 2006 04:19:39 PM GMT[/i][/size][/color][/right]

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