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Ms Excel Graphic Issues all the people look fat

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At my school we make our yearbook in Excel, now before you get a hopped up exclaiming that excel shouldn't have very many pictures in it, just relax, it was either that or Front Page [shudder].Now as we embarked on the start of this years book I noticed that when we printed the pictures they appeared to get fatter, only slightly but it is this type of thing that is noticeable with people you know. So anyway, I decided to go back a few years in archive and noticed that my older yearbooks didn't suffer this problem (or at least as much) and when I printed the same images as I was just printing in a file that I created three years ago in excel 97 they don't get fat, or at least as fat. So firstly I was wondering does anybody have an explanation as to why this is happening, I know that excel isn't for graphics, but it still has image functions including crop re-size and various scaling methods, I also understand that it isn't a publishing program and as such shouldn't be used for that purpose, but that's too bad, it's what we're using and after three years I have just gotten the other people I'm working with understanding the system, so we're not changing. That being said I will accept suggestion if and only if they are free, work on win 2000 and a network plus they must work really well. This however isn't the point of my topic, and I would really rather NOT receive suggestions for other programs, but if you must.I think it may have something to do with the original file type so I have tried it on an excel 97 file and 2003 file. So if you can't provide any insight in the above problem I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to send me a blank excel file created with any version prior to 97, or 2000, or XP (and any I may have missed) Could you (for my records) please type you excel version in the A2 field and you name, or forum name in A1. I understand that some of you may be opposed to this for reasons of security or privacy, but please keep in mind that I don't care about any of the information that may be stored in the Excel file, I just want to get this fixed. Thank You

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Excel does have some weird printing problems, but we may as well start with the basics. Under File > Print Setup... is the page set to print at 100% of the original size, or is the size changed? Also, has it been set to scale to 1 page by 1 page? If so, have you selected the right paper size?They may seem obvious but they are often overlooked.I would send you a blank Excel file, but I use 2003, which isn't any use to you.

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You know just before I read this post I thought, "maybe it's because the papter is set to be 11.5" and when it prints it is shrinking to fit" But I checked this isn't happening.

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Sorry I can't help with a file either, but I'm wondering if the distortion is apparent during print preview or only when actually printing?If it seems to look ok during print preview then I'd suggest it's a printer setting problem, perhaps you need to update the driver for your printer.

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