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Just A Quick Question

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Hello all! I'm new around here and I have a quick question :P As I was looking around the site I found it to be of the standards i'm looking for, but when I registered for the forum, it did not say any minimum age or age limits. I would like to apply and start posting but seeing as how I am xx (well, xx but im turning xx in June), I'm not sure if the COPPA is applicable or if you must be of greater age. If there is an age limit then please delete my account on the forum :P I'm sorry if I have mislooked this manner and have caused any problems or have wasted your time :) Thank you~-Katrina

Edited by jlhaslip (see edit history)

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I am not familiar with all the details about COPPA, or the procedure, but if you are concerned, or your parents would like to know any more about it, then please email to support "at" Xisto "dot" com.


This is a well moderated site which does its best to ensure a safe surfing experience. Having said that, please be reminded that the posts here are the member's opinions and the Mod staff is volunteer, so there may be the occassional "burp" in the system. When that happens, we depend on the members to "report" the offensive posts and then Moderators will either edit or delete the material which is not suitable for the General Public.


I think the fact that you are up front about your age and the COPPA issue shows a superior level of maturity. I look forward to having you involved in the Forum.


One thing about your post which is undesirable if the inclusion of the Thank you and your name at the bottom of the posting. Just this week we have a new 'guideline' about NOT allowing members to do that. Credits for posting are based on the word count of a posting and including these in your post content is viewed as cheating the credit system and adding to the word count but providing no content to the forum. Please go to 'my controls' (from the top of every page) and include this content in your signature by clicking on the 'edit signature' on the left hand side of your profile page. Also, please take the time to read the Xisto readme file by clicking on the FAQ link in my signature. It looks like there is a lot to the rules and stuff, but it is mostly common sense and rules for sensible posting in a courteous manner.


If you have any questions about earning credits and Hosting status, there is another link in my siggy which you will find helpful. The last one.

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Ah thanks very much :P I guess I'll have to review the rules one more time :P You can delete or lock this topic, or do whatever you like with it as my question is now answered :)

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I would just like to add that as far as I know there are no age limits on this board. But... I have seen some boards that are 13+ and anything younger will need parents permission.

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