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Bret Easton Ellis His Books..

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I don't know if many people read his books, maybe some have read American Psycho but aren't really into the author. I happen to be a very big fan of him, it all started when i read The Rules of attraction. Its about 3 people (Sean, Lauren, and Paul) Sean happens to really like Lauren, and Lauren kind of likes Sean, but at the same time Lauren is still in love with victor. Meanwhile, Paul (lauren's ex) has a crush on Sean. Another character happens to have a crush on sean...but its not so promising, and she is probably my favorite character in the whole book. Basically its just about all these people who have crushes on eachother, but its way deeper then just a elementary crush. Its really good, its kind of hard to explain in full detail without giving away too much. (Theres a movie based on it, i like it...but its not as good as the book)Anyway after i read that book, i wanted to read more of his work so i bought Glamorama. Now that book is by far my favorite book by him. Its incredibly hard to explain, i have read it a few times and still finish it wondering wth i just read. Basically its about this Model/Actor Named Victor (yes same guy from above) and all these weird things happen to him, and you cant tell if he is making it up, or if its a movie, or if its really whats happening to him. Its very good, but kind of disturbing in many ways, so if you are easily grossed out, i wouldnt suggest this book probably.I later read Less than Zero, its not my favorite by him but its pretty good. (Many probably saw the movie based on it) Its just about a guy living in LA, theres really not much to say about it. I also read American Psycho, but i am sure others have too, or atleast saw the movie. Its about Patrick Bateman (Seans (rules of attraction) brother if anyone cares) and he is just a murderer, hes just crazy its really the nicest word you could name him. He murders all these people, while living the life of a classy new yorker, and never even gets caught because no one expects him to be this cold hearted murderer...he's just messed up. The informers..honestly dont waste your time. It really in my opinion isn't the best of his work. If you really want to you can read it, but i cant even tell you what its about because i found it so just blah i didnt finish reading it. Three of his books have been made into movies, Glamorama is supposed to but i dont know if itll ever be made i have been waiting for over a year now for it to start casting...The informers cant really be made into a movie its just kind of a bunch of short stories. His work is kind of graphic, and disturbing sometimes so i wouldnt suggest his books if you like G rated material.

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I've read Glamorama and American Psycho. Like you said, Glamorama is a hard one to describe. It's been a while since I read it but I remember it being fairly graphic and when I got to the end of thinking: "WTF was that all about?"American Psycho's also fairly graphic and I thought it was quite serious about it's subject matter. I saw the film several years after I read the book and didn't really like it cos it didn't fit with my image of the book because the film seemed to be more of a pisstake, a comedy even. It wasn't until a while later that I started to think that maybe I'd missed the whole point of the book and that it was actually s'posed to be acutely satiric and that I'd just missed the joke.

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