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"this Account Has Been Suspended" I cant acess my site

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Yesterday I did not have enought forum posts to my account.And when I go to my site (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) I see this: "This Account Has Been Suspended", but now I have enought posts!I had it yesterday to (I did some posts when I logged in, becouse I saw that I did not have enought). When does this disappear??!Every time before I could get to my site after a few hours!Please help!

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It isn't the number of posts it is hosting credits. You need at least 4 hosting credits to be unsuspended. It takes an hour or to to become unsuspended. Bring your hosting credits up to 10 to make sure that you don't go under again. If you are at 3.99 hosting credits when the script is run your account will remain suspended. So make sure you are well above 4 credits so there is no chance you are under when it is run and you will be unsuspended within an hour or so

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Reading through important topics found, especially in Xisto Readme, would be advised for you next time before making a topic that has been already discussed, rediscussed and re-rediscussed. Search the forum before making any new post. This will save you time and headache of waiting for an answer. Every hosted member should know by now, if you have been a member for at least longer than 1 month, that most questions regarding hosting regulation has been posted and discussed. Refrain from asking the same question over and over again.

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