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Caption Contest? Test your wit by adding a caption...

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I don't know if this has been suggested before, but I would like the forums to have a forum/contest thread where people submit witty captions to some of the weirdest photos/drawings from the mass media. Kinda like a "test your wit" contest among the community.Anyway, I would like to hear what you think of this idea.

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It sounds like a credital idea, i do have a few questions to ask in response to your proposed contest.1) How would this contest work, ie. Would there be catergories of photos or will it just be one photo a week or month?2) What would the time length be? , Week, Month maybe 2,3 months?3) How will it be judged? , a board of members who are excluded from entering, or 1 member, even a voting system?4) What would the prize pool be? 10 Credits first place etc. or otherwise??Just wondering, nice suggestion...

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I don't think there really could be credits for the winner. There would probably be a tag like for the SOTW. That's one of the reasons though why it probably won't work. Not too many people will really enter. The SOTW was popular for a while but then it died down. You could probably start a topic and hold your own giving some of your credits to the winner if you would like. That would then cause the unhosted members to not be able to enter.

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Hi again.Just thought I'd answer tuddy's questions here.1) I propose one photo per month at the start and see how many people bite. If it's popular enough, I'll bring it up to one photo per week (wherever I can find them).2) Members are given 1-2 weeks to submit their captions.3) Any member can vote, and the do it via the same system as SOTW.4) 10 bonus credits would be nice grand prize, with 5 credits going to the runner-up.

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