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How To Install Smf Forum Help

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Hello..I dont have any knowledge of MySQL and PHP...I have my site hosted here..And i installed SMF Forum..It only took less than a minute.And after installing it, i made saw that it was perfect working.Then to verfiy it , i loged out my admin account and registered a new member, and then sent a messege to that account...and it worked...In simple words, it said before installing that it will use MY mysql database , but i dont have any mysql database installed on my computer.I am confuse what is that, since this forum is working without any mysql ?? please tell me is it a working form ? or i will have to make any database on my computer etc etc ?Please tell me in detail since i know nothing about.I just want to make a community on my site.Thank you very much..The more i come to know about the features,,The more i am loving this Xisto...God bless you all.

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It is using a database on your Trap 17 hosting. The database can be accessed by clicking on the PhpMyAdmin link in cPanel, and it works like a spreadsheet, with tables holding various bits of information in rows. When it says it is using your database, it is using one on your hosting.If you installed it using Fantastico in cPanel then I am presuming it set all the database stuff up for you, and as long as it works then you don't really need to worry about it ;)

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Wow !! That is really good then..You mean that now i dont have to worry about anything and now i dont have to make any sql database on my computer ?? That must be good...well yes i created by Fantascio .Is it same for Phpbb ? I mean it doesnt require anything also ? And one more thing that how i can install the theme for Phpbb??? Since i went to Styles Managament and there was no any theme?

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All of the scripts in Fantastico use MySQL (as far as I know, I never used all of them). Fantastico's purpose it to make it super easy to install the scripts that it includes. Other control panels have a similar feature.

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You mean that now i dont have to worry about anything and now i dont have to make any sql database on my computer ??


That is correct, there is no need to create any sql databases on your computer, because these databases are stored on the servers of Xisto. If they were stored on a remote location, it would be difficult to ensure that the application can interact with it 24/7. You would have to set it up that way, and if you could, you might as well host the entire website, not just the databases ;)


Is it same for Phpbb ? I mean it doesnt require anything also ?


Right. If you've installed a working SMF, you will be able to install a working phpBB using a very similar procedure.


And one more thing that how i can install the theme for Phpbb??? Since i went to Styles Managament and there was no any theme?


You will need to download the themes from the phpBB website. And then upload them to your /forums/templates folder. And then try the Styles Management section. I know this is not a very detailed answer, but I am not giving a very detailed answer because such an answer already exists and I would suggest you try and find out for yourself. (Specifically, try the phpBB website, their Styles section, their knowledge base and their forum archives. I am sure that will help.)

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