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Santa Is Coming Early! Making money on the internet...

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Wow, this thread is excellent. Im very glad that I found it because my Grandma makes these really cool looking ornament trees, and she wants to sell them so I am going to make her a web page so people all around the world can buy them. Ill keep on reading this guide, and thankyou so much for sharing this with us.

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"first of all, i don't believe your whole story. 14 year olds are in the middle of jr. high, not in high school. second, i don't believe that your parents were so unaware of your activieties and did nothing about it."

acually 14 years old is a freshmen in highschool, im 15 and im a sophmore. Anyway i would like to share my story. Basicly my whole life i havnt really had any money. If i wanted something, such as a computer, my only option would be to go to work with my dad all summer. Now i really didnt have much of a problem with this until about a year1/2 ago when i picked up a guitar. I fell in love with the instrument. All i had was a piece of crap copy of a fender start, but i didnt care. I quickly Made the choice of becoming a professional guitarist. Well last summer i worked with my dad in the brutally hot florida summer, and bought a decent guitar, then spent a few more bucks getting new pickups on it and stuff.

Anyway back on topic, i recently joined a band, and i need money for a ton of things like effect pedals etc. Since i wont be able to get a job until i can get my license which wont be for another year, i realized that the internet is a good way to make some cash. So i have chossen to make a website, and hopefully with your help i can make a few bucks.

I thank you with the bottem of my heart for doing this for me and everybody else here.

Notice from mayank:
Added quotes to the copied stuff from the above post by calkid

Edited by mayank (see edit history)

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hello. i'm 15 and i'm a beginner in web designing. I currently have a site with a forum and a gallery. Right now, it's mostly for my friends to go on. I'm interested in making some cash over the internet, so i signed up for some ads. Which doesn't make much money since barely anyone go on it, beside myself. I'm not interested in having any ecommerce thing going on my site, since it's too complicated and i'm not old enough.Well, my major problem is that i just don't know how to keep people interests in the site, without offering anything. People told me to dedicate my forum to a certain subject. But the problem is that, i don't really know anything to a degree where i can lead a discussion. For most of the web forum that i'm in, they at least offer something, such as free direct download animes or free webhosting (Xisto). All of these forums are all active because people know that they will get something in return, and they have a goal.. that's why they are posting.So my theory is that, you need to set up a goal. Talk about it is easy, but trying to accomplish it is hard.My friends that joined the forum doesn't help that much, because they are new to online forums and don't have much experience with it. So most of the topics where started by me. And they barely ever response. My goal for now is to make my forum/site as resourceful as i can, so that people/members that visit it could learn or gain something from it.Well, will be looking forward to read your tutorial =P.

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let me add my humble advice.Without your forum being about something it is litteraly impossible to have a good one. your forum should bring together people who have a common interest, so you have something to talk about.what do u like?animegamesmusiccarswhatever, just think what do you love?

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  fasdsffasda said:

I thank you with the bottem of my heart for doing this for me and everybody else here.


sorry that i haven't been around. i recently moved. a big move before the holidays which has been hard, but i made it finally. i haven't forgotten about this thread and the recent comments in it. right now though i hope everyone had a very happy holiday and is going to have a blessed new year. from the bottom of my heart, i wish everyone the best...



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